
No guide would be complete without legal stuff and whatnot. I’ll be brief. I promise.


A modding guide for Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition. This is version 0.91.


Pablo César Pérez González, aka pcesarperez, aka adastra, reachable through modding.never.changes.


The details are blurred in my mind. Don’t ask.


Mostly at home, with astonishing views to the distant mountains. That helps. A lot.


Just because.

This guide is subject to a Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0. I have used several additional resources, like:

Finally, you will find the source for this book in its GitHub repo. You can even create an issue if you think there is something I should improve in the guide (and trust me, there is a shitload of room to improve).


We, human beings, have a strange knack for imagining Doomsday. We like to depict our planet devastated by plagues, war (either biological or nuclear), alien attacks or all together at the same time.

One of the videogames that best shows how our world could be after a nuclear holocaust is Fallout 3. And I’m not the only one with that feeling.

However, if you have been around the videogame scene for a while, you will know that Fallout 3 can be completely enhanced using mods…​ Well, that is a complete understatement, as you could play a whole different game with the appropriate mods. Or you could break the game. That’s the tricky part.

Getting right to the point, vanilla Fallout 3 sucks in many different ways. You cannot even run the game if your box uses Windows 7 or higher. A lot of tinkering has to be done for the game to run flawlessly.

There is an awesome guide to fix the game in order to run under modern versions of Windows, written by BenWah, which I intend to follow. And there are a hell of a lot of videos by Gopher with the best Fallout 3 mods your money can buy (well, sort of). Give credit when credit is due, you know.

So, there is no original work here, just an extended guide to put things into perspective. And this perspective is divided into two parts:

  1. The firs part (chapters "The tools we need" and "Fixing the game") is about fixing the game. At the end of these chapters, you will have a flawless Fallout 3 game, running smoothly, with no CTD (Crashes to Desktop in jargon), but it will be a vanilla game, at least content, graphics and audio-wise. No changes will be made to the story or the way you perceive the Wasteland.

  2. The second part (chapters "Enhancing the game", "Unveiling the real Wasteland" and "Wrapping up") is about enhancing the game. This is pretty based on personal taste, so feel free to ignore me (too bad) or, even better, modify this guide to your heart’s content. I have picked the mods I like most, but your mileage may vary.

  3. The final part (chapter "Resources") is about resources used in the making of this book (videos, guides, etc.).

I DO want to set the world on fire…​

The tools we need

First and foremost, we need Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition installed. This guide refers to the Steam version of the game.

We will need three additional tools to get the job done:

  • Nexus Mod Manager. This is the tool of choice when it comes to keep all your mods organized and up-to-date.

  • LOOT. Installing mods on Bethesda games can be a pain in the ass, especially if you try to install a lot of possibly-colliding mods. This tool keeps the load order straight.

  • FO3Edit. Fallout 3 itself comes out-of-the-box with certain errors in the main and DLC files, and this tool comes in handy to correct them. Besides, this is THE tool to create a merged patch to run the game with an absurd amount of mods.

Install them first and we are good to go.

Functional vs. technical

There are a lot of Fallout 3 modding guides out there. This is just another one, but I’d like to think that my approach to the matter is slightly different, because it’s a functional one.

What the hell do I mean by "functional"? Well, at the end of each chapter you will have a version of the game with certain features: a fixed game, a game with new sounds, a game with new animations, etc. This guide is intended to be followed from cover to cover, although there are certain chapters that will be marked as optional.

This approach has its advantages and disadvantages. I think it’s more understandable for the reader, albeit more complex to perform under the hood.

It would be good for you to understand the concept of load order before going on. Gopher has two videos explaining what is load order (20:00) and how to use LOOT to manage our load order (13:59). Both are worth checking out.

However, there is something you need to understand besides load order, and it is installation order. Each mod could have one of these items, or both:

  • One or more data files, which may be .esm (master) or .esp (ancillary) files.

  • A number of assets, like textures, sounds, meshes, menu files, etc.

Data files are bound by load order, whereas assets are bound by installation order. And this is because Nexus Mod Manager (NMM), the tool we are going to use to mod the game, uses a destructive approach.

This is, if you install mod "A" with a certain asset "foo", and later you install mod "B" with an equally named asset "foo", "B" version of "foo" will overwrite "A" version of "foo", for good. This makes critical to know the installation order, because if you want to get back to an earlier state of the game, you will have to uninstall the mods in the reverse order you installed them.

NMM does a good job tracking the changes to the game assets as you install new mods, but rollbacks are difficult to perform and error prone (that’s why I had to start over again so many times during the writing of this guide). And that’s the reason why following a functional approach is somewhat more difficult with NMM, because sometimes you want to install mod "A" before mod "B", because it makes sense to you, but you don’t want "B" assets to overwrite "A" assets. Don’t worry, that’s something I have to deal with, not you.

Without further ado, let’s start modding our beloved Fallout 3.

Fixing the game

At the end of this section, you will have a version of Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition that:

  • Runs flawlessly (well, almost).

  • Is patched to the max, with most silly (and not-so-silly) errors corrected.

  • Takes advantage of your system memory.

  • Has no (or little) microstutter.

  • Runs in windowed mode, faking full-screen.

  • Has a clean set of data files, including a merged patch to further ensure compatibility among them.

  • Creates saved games automatically and frequently, so that you always have means to recover from a disaster.

  • Has a better performance by getting rid of zillions of unused objects (like tiny rocks) which plague the game.

  • Has a saved game just before leaving Vault 101, so that you won’t have to repeat the initial story in every new playthrough.

Install the game

Pretty much straightforward, uh? Well, no.

  1. You need to run the game at least once to create the .ini files we will tinker with.

    Again: you MUST run the game at least once in order to fix it.

  2. The launcher dutifully informs you that video hardware is about to be detected, thus setting up the configuration for you.

    Fallout 3 video hardware detection
    Figure 1. Fallout 3 video hardware detection
  3. Lucky me, my video card is up to the task (however, you don’t want to know the specs of my box; no need to cry).

    High Quality settings set
    Figure 2. High Quality settings set
  4. And here we go! This is the launcher in all its greenish glory.

    Fallout 3 launcher
    Figure 3. Fallout 3 launcher
  5. Finally, click on Play, and enjoy the view.

    Fallout 3 main menu
    Figure 4. Fallout 3 main menu
  6. Bear in mind that no matter how hard you pray or curse, this is as far as the game gets running in any version of Windows higher than XP. But this is all we need, for now. Just click on Quit and check this files and folders under [%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Fallout3]:

    • [Saves]


    • FalloutPrefs.ini

    • RendererInfo.txt

Disable Games for Windows Live

Mods used in this chapter:

In BenWah’s guide you can either update your Games for Windows Live (GFWL for short) installation, or disable it. Unless it’s vital to you, I recommend disabling GFWL, just in case.

  1. To disable GFWL, you need to download and run Games for Windows LIVE disabler.

    DO NOT use NMM to download this tool. Download it manually instead.

  2. If you get a warning about absent FALLOUT.INI, please run the game once (I told you).

    GFWL Disabler error
    Figure 5. GFWL Disabler error
  3. In the following window, just click on Disable G4WL.

    GFWL Disabler
    Figure 6. GFWL Disabler
  4. Of course, you want to remove GFWL buttons in the game.

    GFWL Remove Fallout 3 buttons
    Figure 7. GFWL Remove Fallout 3 buttons
  5. We have our first patch!

    GFWL Disabled
    Figure 8. GFWL Disabled
  6. Notice the absent LIVE option in the main menu screen:

    Fallout 3 main menu with no LIVE
    Figure 9. Fallout 3 main menu with no LIVE

Patching the game

Mods used in this chapter:

Fallout 3 comes with a shitload of bugs, even after 5 DLC’s. That is Bethesda’s hallmark, but people has come to, if not love these bugs, at least consider them like you would consider your old grandpa pissing in the punch bowl on Christmas Eve. Slightly disgusting but, nevertheless, adorable.

Thanks to the efforts of BenWah and other people around, we have the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch, with a huge list of fixes and improvements.

  1. Download manually (not with NMM) the file Updated_Unofficial_Fallout3_Patch.

  2. Run the file Updated_Unofficial_Fallout3_Patch-19122-2-2.exe (or something like that) to show the welcome window.

    UF3P Welcome window
    Figure 10. UF3P Welcome window
  3. Accept the license agreement.

    UF3P License agreement
    Figure 11. UF3P License agreement
  4. The program shows the patch notes. These are important, as they clearly point out that you should have the GOTY version of the game, with all DLC to take full advantage of the patch.

    UF3P Patch notes
    Figure 12. UF3P Patch notes
  5. Choose the location of Fallout 3. The program usually picks the correct folder right off the bat.

    UF3P Fallout 3 location
    Figure 13. UF3P Fallout 3 location
  6. Select the desired patch components. You should keep the default settings (all DLC and several minor but useful fixes).

    UF3P Component selection
    Figure 14. UF3P Component selection
  7. Choose the menu entry location in the Start Menu folder.

    UF3P Start menu folder
    Figure 15. UF3P Start menu folder
  8. The program shows the installation summary. Just press Install.

    UF3P Installation summary
    Figure 16. UF3P Installation summary
  9. You should then see this window to be happy. Otherwise, you should be very, very sad (really).

    UF3P Status check
    Figure 17. UF3P Status check
  10. Here we go! The installation takes a while, because the patch moves around a lot of files.

    UF3P Installation progress
    Figure 18. UF3P Installation progress
  11. When the installation finishes, the program shows a dialog with some techno-gibberish speak. Fear not! Fallout 3 crashes if running in a box with multiple cores, but the patch fixes the configuration options automatically for you. Click Yes, of course.

    UF3P Multicore fix
    Figure 19. UF3P Multicore fix
  12. Happy ending! The installation is finished.

    UF3P Happy ending
    Figure 20. UF3P Happy ending
  13. Delete the executable file and move on with your life.

There is one final step to ensure that the patch is loaded in the proper place, at the bottom of the data files.

Each data file can come in two flavors: .esm for master files or .esp for secondary (patch) files. The DLCs themselves are .esm files.

This is a good time to check the load order of the game data files, so fire up LOOT to see what is happening under the hood.

LOOT first run after UF3P
Figure 21. LOOT first run after UF3P

After clicking on the sort icon, the program proposes the proper load order, meanwhile detecting data inconsistencies.

LOOT after sorting
Figure 22. LOOT after sorting

This should be your load order by now:

  • Fallout 3.esm

  • Anchorage.esm

  • ThePitt.esm

  • BrokenSteel.esm

  • PointLookout.esm

  • Zeta.esm

  • Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm

You might be surprised to check that there are inconsistencies in the main DLC files, like Anchorage.esm (master file for Operation Anchorage DLC). As we said, Bethesda is not known for releasing solid, fully tested programs. We’ll address that later.

For now, just click on Apply to put the unofficial patch at the bottom of the load order.

You should test the game right now. If everything went OK, you should be able to play the game.

Fallout 3 first run
Figure 23. Fallout 3 first run

Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker!

Cleaning up the master files

Sure, you could play the game right now if you want. You would be playing a crippled, prone to crash game, but hey, if that’s your thing…​

We have miles to go before we sleep, though. Cheers for the brave who don’t take second best!

As we saw earlier, the DLC data files themselves are somewhat dirty. This is what LOOT has to say about them (ITM means "Identical to Master"):

  • Anchorage.esm: Contains 54 ITM records and 10 deleted references.

  • ThePitt.esm: Contains 40 ITM records and 5 deleted navmeshes.

  • BrokenSteel.esm: Contains 275 ITM records, 34 deleted references and 12 deleted navmeshes.

  • PointLookout.esm: Contains 21 ITM records.

  • Zeta.esm: Contains 15 ITM records.

The only clean file in your load order is Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm, as expected. No wonder, this is a huge patch that fixes the game and all its DLCs.

In every single case, LOOT has a suggestion: clean with FO3Edit.

FO3Edit is an utility aimed at mod creators and users both, weighting more on the first group. Gopher has a fantastic video explaining how to use TES5Edit (the Skyrim version of the tool) to clean your master files (13:24). You should left what you were doing right now and watch the video. I’ll wait.

We are going to clean the master files, one by one. This guide about cleaning files with TES5Edit comes in handy, but ignore it if you just want the heart of the issue.

I will show the instructions to clean one of the files, considering the rest are treated all the same.

  1. Fire up FO3Edit. The tool does a good job detecting Fallout 3 data folder, thus showing all the data files we are using so far.

    FO3Edit master-plugin selection
    Figure 24. FO3Edit master-plugin selection
  2. Right-click on the floating window and select Select none. We are going to choose the files to clean, one by one.

    FO3Edit selecting none
    Figure 25. FO3Edit selecting none
  3. Now select the following files and click Ok:

    • Fallout3.esm.

    • The data file you are going to clean (for example, Anchorage.esm).

      FO3Edit selecting files
      Figure 26. FO3Edit selecting files
  4. After a while, depending of the size of the data file, the tool finishes loading the data, plus the Fallout3.exe executable itself. Wait for the message "Background Loader: finished" to appear in the Messages panel.

    FO3Edit file loaded
    Figure 27. FO3Edit file loaded
  5. Right-click on the Anchorage.esm node in the left panel tree and select Apply filter for cleaning.

    FO3Edit apply filter for cleaning
    Figure 28. FO3Edit apply filter for cleaning
  6. The filtering may take a little while, depending on how big and dirty the file is. When the filtering is completed, a line with the heading "[Filtering done]" appears in the Messages panel. The tree in the left panel shows the files with fancy colors which you don’t have to give a fuck, unless you want to delve deeper into the inner workings of the mods.

    FO3Edit after filtering
    Figure 29. FO3Edit after filtering
  7. First, we are going to remove ITM (Identical to Master) records. They are not going to crash the game, but they take up space, and trust me, when you get the I-am-going-to-install-every-fancy-mod-available spree, you will need as much space as you can get. Right-click on the Anchorage.esm node in the left panel tree and select Remove "Identical to Master" records.

    FO3Edit remove ITM records
    Figure 30. FO3Edit remove ITM records
  8. Every time you try to change a data file, a big warning appears. But, as seasoned hard-ass mod installers, we are sure as hell of what we are doing. Aren’t we?

    FO3Edit warning
    Figure 31. FO3Edit warning
  9. After a little while, a message shows up in the Messages panel, reporting 43696 records processed and 54 records removed (don’t worry if the numbers don’t match; your setup may be slightly different).

    FO3Edit ITM records deleted
    Figure 32. FO3Edit ITM records deleted
  10. Next, we are going to undelete and disable deleted references…​ Unlike ITM records, which can be considered mostly harmless, deleted references can (and will) fuck up your game, because they are references to objects that are supposed to be in the game, but they no longer are, and no one has marked them as disabled. So, any mod using a deleted but not disabled reference is going to eventually crash your system. We are talking serious shit here. To get rid of these nasty sons of a bitch, right click on the Anchorage.esm node in the left panel tree and select Undelete and Disable References.

    FO3Edit undelete and disable references
    Figure 33. FO3Edit undelete and disable references
  11. A bit of processing again, and we have another message in the right panel, reporting 43642 records processed and 10 undeleted records.

    FO3Edit after undeleting and disabling
    Figure 34. FO3Edit after undeleting and disabling
  12. Job done! We just need to save the modified data file. To do that, just click on the close button of the tool window. A pop-up window should appear with just one file, the one you have been tinkering with (Anchorage.esm, in this case). If more than one file is shown, press ESC or click on the close button and start over again, because you surely screwed up at some point in the process. Anyway, make sure that the option Backup plugins is selected before clicking Ok.

    FO3Edit save changed files
    Figure 35. FO3Edit save changed files

You have to repeat the process for each and every one of the aforementioned data files.

In case you wonder, FO3Edit creates a folder named [FO3Edit Backups] under [%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Data] where it stores backup copies of the mods we have modified.

Run LOOT to be sure that we have a clean, patched game now.

LOOT after cleaning
Figure 36. LOOT after cleaning

And, of course, run the game just to be on the safe side.

Fallout 3 first patched run
Figure 37. Fallout 3 first patched run

Enabling the console

The game console is not strictly necessary to fix the game, but it will come in handy to test the fixes we apply.

I am using the console to cheat my way out the Vault 101, because testing each new mod with a fresh start may be weary, to say the least.

  1. Enabling the console means editing FALLOUT3.INI file in [%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Fallout3], setting the following line, which should be enabled by default (make sure you make a backup copy first):

  2. The actual key used to activate the console depends on the keyboard language layout you are using, but it should be to the left of the 1 key. In en-US keyboards it is bound to the tilde character ~, but, for example, in the es-ES layout (Spanish), that key is bound to the numeral character º.

  3. To test the console, start the game and press the corresponding key while in the main menu. A tiny vertical cursor will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Run the following command:

  4. The system should print something like:

    GetDayOfWeek >> 5.00
    Fallout 3 testing the console
    Figure 38. Fallout 3 testing the console

There is no way to change the key assigned to the console, unless you install Console Key Binder mod. However, you should keep your mod stack to a minimum (says the guy who is creating a guide to install shy of 100 mods). If you want to install this mod nonetheless, you should have installed first Fallout Script Extender, which we will be covering in a later section.

Finally, there is an exhaustive list of console commands in the awesome Fallout 3 Tweaking Guide.

Enabling access to 4+ GB of memory

Mods used in this chapter:

Fallout 3 does not use all the available memory it could have due to its 32 bits nature (the game was launched in 2008, you know). However, you can modify the game executable to take advantage of all the memory it can get.

Gopher explains the way to go with this video about performance and stability in Fallout 3 (26:38) (the video touches several topics, but the one we are focusing on spans from the beginning to 08:55, give or take).

We don’t want to clutter our system with unnecessary tools, so we are sticking with Large Address Aware Enabler for Fallout 3.

  1. Download the mod manually (not using NMM), and extract its contents in a location of your choice ([%LAA_FOLDER%], for reference).

  2. Create a backup of the file Fallout3.exe from [%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty].

  3. Copy the file Fallout3.exe to [%LAA_FOLDER%].

  4. Run START.BAT in [%LAA_FOLDER%]. A console window will appear, reporting that the patching is about to start. Press any key.

    LAA Enabler
    Figure 39. LAA Enabler
  5. Several options are shown. We want to press A to add the LAA feature to Fallout 3 executable.

    LAA Enabler options
    Figure 40. LAA Enabler options
  6. LAA Enabler patches the executable and happily informs us about it. Press any key.

    LAA Enabler successful
    Figure 41. LAA Enabler successful
  7. The program goes back to the options window. Press E to exit.

  8. Copy back Fallout3.exe to its original location.

  9. Delete the folder [%LAA_FOLDER%] and its contents. Delete the ZIP file also. You won’t need them anymore.

And that’s really it. Now Fallout 3 is ready to handle more than 2 GB of RAM, improving stability.

Fallout 3 Script Extender

Mods used in this chapter:

If you ever want to install a single mod in Fallout 3, you will need Fallout Script Extender (FOSE, for short).

Well…​ That’s not exactly true, as there may be mods that does not make use of the capabilities provided by FOSE (we have been using a few, so far). But they will be a minority. And we will need this tool ahead the road.

As usual, Gopher has published a worth watching video about the installation and use of FOSE (10:07).

  1. Download the latest version of FOSE (1.2b2 as of this writing). You should download the 7Z version, not the loader (

  2. Extract the contents of the archive into a folder of your choice, say [%FOSE_FOLDER%].

  3. Copy the contents of the folder [%FOSE_FOLDER%] to [%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty], except the folder [src], which contains FOSE source code.

  4. Delete the folder [%FOLSE_FOLDER%] and its contents. Delete the ZIP file also.

  5. Create a shortcut for the file fose_loader.exe in a location of your choice (e.g., your desktop).

  6. Rename the shortcut to whatever name you feel comfortable with. I go with Fallout 3, because I keep the older shortcut, using the launcher, to configure the game, thus renaming it to Fallout 3 (config).

    Fallout 3 launch shortcuts
    Figure 42. Fallout 3 launch shortcuts
  7. If you, like me, think that the default shortcut icon is Deathclaw shit, it might be worth considering an alternate icon. Download the .ico version and copy it to [%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty].

  8. Right-click on the shortcut icon and select Properties.

    Fallout 3 shortcut properties
    Figure 43. Fallout 3 shortcut properties
  9. In the Shortcut tab, select the option Change icon…​.

    Fallout 3 shortcut change icon
    Figure 44. Fallout 3 shortcut change icon
  10. The system dutifully informs you that fose_loader.exe (the executable the shortcut refers to) does not contain any available icon. Click Ok.

    Fallout 3 shortcut no default icon
    Figure 45. Fallout 3 shortcut no default icon
  11. The system shows a floating window where you could select one of the shitty system default icons. Just click on Browse…​

    Fallout 3 shortcut select icon
    Figure 46. Fallout 3 shortcut select icon
  12. Select the .ico file you downloaded before and click Open.

    Fallout 3 shortcut open icon
    Figure 47. Fallout 3 shortcut open icon
  13. Back to the icon selection window, click on Ok.

    Fallout 3 shortcut icon selected
    Figure 48. Fallout 3 shortcut icon selected
  14. Back to the properties window, click on Ok.

    Fallout 3 shortcut properties final
    Figure 49. Fallout 3 shortcut properties final
  15. Et voila! We have now two great-looking icons to launch Fallout 3, one to configure it and the other to actually launch a mod-friendly version of the game.

    Fallout 3 launch shortcuts final
    Figure 50. Fallout 3 launch shortcuts final
  16. We are going to test that FOSE is correctly installed, and for that, launch the game with the new shortcut. In the main menu screen, activate the console and write GetFOSEVersion. You should get something like FOSE version: 1.

    Fallout 3 FOSE installed
    Figure 51. Fallout 3 FOSE installed

FOSE provides a whole new set of console commands you can use, although they are not strictly necessary.

Getting rid of stutter

Mods used in this chapter:

Fallout 3 suffers from stuttering, this is, there are certain points in the game where the visuals are lacking in fluidity. Although this can be reduced by optimizing your system (updating your graphics driver to the top, unfragmenting the hard drive, and so on), there is still a micro-stuttering that can be perceived in lower-spec machines when framerate suddenly changes.

In the same video about performance and stability (26:38), Gopher talks about this problem, from minute 08:55 to 16:40, more or less. We are going to install our first mod (apart from the unofficial patch), and for this, we are going to need Nexus Mod Manager or NMM. This is the tool that allows to keep track of the installed mods, along with their updates.

Provided that you have installed NMM:

  1. Run NMM. If this is the first time you do so, NMM searches for the games it knows of, modding-wise. In this context, we are only interested in Fallout 3, so as soon as NMM finds it, we should confirm the location (with the green tick mark under the name of the game) and then click on Ok.

    NMM searching for games
    Figure 52. NMM searching for games
  2. NMM shows then a game selection window, with a list of games which mods NMM is managing. Select Fallout 3 and click on Ok. You can select Don’t ask me next time, if you feel like to. However, you can change the game once you start NMM.

    NMM select Fallout 3
    Figure 53. NMM select Fallout 3
  3. NMM needs to know the paths where the mods are going to be stored before installing them, and so it reminds you. Click on Ok.

    NMM setup paths
    Figure 54. NMM setup paths
  4. NMM has already made sensible choices for you, but feel free to change the suggested paths if you want. When you are finished, click Finish.

    NMM confirm paths
    Figure 55. NMM confirm paths
  5. NMM may organize your mods in categories, but I don’t find that useful. It might be if you have a fuckload of mods, but then, I would recommend long holidays in a quiet and computer-free place, for the sake of your sanity. I would say no in the next window, but it’s up to you.

    NMM no categories
    Figure 56. NMM no categories
  6. Finally, the programs is started, in the Mods tab.

    NMM mods tab
    Figure 57. NMM mods tab
  7. If you take a look at the Plugins tab, you can check the presence of the unofficial patch, at the bottom of the load order, as expected.

    NMM plugins tab
    Figure 58. NMM plugins tab
  8. Open Fallout Stutter Remover mod page in your browser and navigate to the Files tab. We need the latest version (4.1.36 as of this writing) and nothing else. Download this with NMM. The mod is fairly small, so it takes a breeze to download. When downloaded, you should see something like this in NMM (adjust the user interface as necessary).

    NMM FSR downloaded
    Figure 59. NMM FSR downloaded
  9. Double-click on the name of the FSR mod in the main panel to install it. Now, you should see a little green check mark to the left of the name of the mod, along with a message in the Mod Activation Queue panel reporting that the installation is complete.

    NMM FSR installation
    Figure 60. NMM FSR installation
  10. Edit the file sr_Fallout_Stutter_Remover.ini in [%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Data\FOSE\Plugins] and change the value of the bInject_iFPSClamp to 1. Save the file and we are good to go!

Fake full-screen mode

Mods used in this chapter:

Believe or not, one of the things that could produce a CTD every other game, is the full-screen mode. As usual, Gopher has a video explaining the problem (26:38), same as before (this part spans roughly from 17:30 to the end).

  1. Download manually the file FalloutFullscreenNV_2_2 from Fake Fullscreen Mode Windowed mod, not with NMM.

  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded archive to a location of your choice.

  3. Inside that folder there should be just one file, Fallout_Fullscreen.exe. Copy the file to [%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty].

  4. Create a shortcut to Fallout_Fullscreen.exe wherever you want, and rename it to Fallout 3 (fullscreen), for example.

    Fallout 3 launch shortcuts with fullscreen
    Figure 61. Fallout 3 launch shortcuts with fullscreen
  5. Run the launcher (Fallout 3 (config), remember?), and select Options. Take note of your current resolution.

    Fallout 3 options
    Figure 62. Fallout 3 options
  6. Mark Windowed mode and change the resolution to the previous one (every time you change to windowed mode and back, the resolution combo resets). Click Ok and exit the launcher.

    Fallout 3 options windowed
    Figure 63. Fallout 3 options windowed
  7. Run the game with the new shortcut. The game will start with a window border, but after a little while, the window border disappears, resembling the actual fullscreen mode. This version is fully compatible with FOSE, which you can test running GetFOSEVersion in the console.

Saving games the right way

Mods used in this chapter:

The Sun rises in the East, Michael Fassbender is better than you in everything and Fallout 3 crashes. You need to come to terms with these simple Truths of Life.

Even with a fully patched game, Fallout 3 spits you out to the desktop now and then. In these cases, your only way back is to restore a saved game. But saved games do get corrupted sometimes. And, unless you have been saving your game A FUCKING LOT, and when I say "saving", I mean not quicksaving, you are doomed.

There is a mod called CASM to address that problem. CASM automates saving your game in a sensible way, and it provides two key shortcuts to replace the standard quicksave/quickload built-in feature:

  • F4 replaces F5, creating a named saved game.

  • F8 replaces F9, loading the last saved game.

CASM also saves the game automatically with a given frequency and under certain events. Let’s see how to install this mod.

  1. Launch the game. When the main menu appears, click on Settings and then Gameplay.

    Fallout 3 gameplay settings
    Figure 64. Fallout 3 gameplay settings
  2. Disable all three options (Save On Rest, Save On Wait and Save On Travel).

    Fallout 3 autosave disabled
    Figure 65. Fallout 3 autosave disabled
  3. Press Back, then Back, then Quit to exit the game.

  4. Download CASM_v1_2_3 file from CASM using NMM.

    NMM CASM downloaded
    Figure 66. NMM CASM downloaded
  5. Activate CASM double-clicking on the mod name.

    NMM CASM installation complete
    Figure 67. NMM CASM installation complete
  6. Check that CASM is loaded at the bottom of the mod stack in the Plugins tab of NMM.

    NMM CASM loaded last
    Figure 68. NMM CASM loaded last
  7. Close NMM and run LOOT. Click on the Sort Plugins icon to fix the load order. Notice that CASM still sits at the bottom, and no conflicts are detected (this step is fairly unnecessary, but you need to get used to routinely rearrange your load order).

    LOOT after installing CASM
    Figure 69. LOOT after installing CASM
  8. CASM is configurable through an in-game option in your Pip-Boy 3000 (you will get your own Pip-Boy at the age of 10). Fire up your Pip-Boy by pressing TAB and navigate to the Items button, Aid section. You will see an "item" called CASM Options Menu.

    Fallout 3 CASM option
    Figure 70. Fallout 3 CASM option
  9. Click on the CASM item and then exit the Pip-Boy by pressing again TAB (yeah, not the most intuitive thing in the world). A screen with CASM settings is shown. There are a lot of options for you to configure, although the default settings are pretty good to go.

    Fallout 3 CASM settings
    Figure 71. Fallout 3 CASM settings

Adopt an useless rock today!

Mods used in this chapter:

Fallout 3 developers show their love for the details in every corner of the game.

In a slightly manic way.

The game engine is not rock solid, to begin with (no pun intended, I swear), but when it comes to handle zillions of useless objects for the sake of just showing you have zillions of rocks around you…​ Well, NO.

There is a mod which does something seemingly very simple: removing all unused objects from the game, improving performance. This mod is called Better Game Performance.

Let’s install this mod.

  1. Download the file V_4 with NMM.

    NMM Better Game Performance downloaded
    Figure 72. NMM Better Game Performance downloaded
  2. Activate the mod by double-clicking on its name. The mod will be installed with no hiccups.

    NMM Better Game Performance installed
    Figure 73. NMM Better Game Performance installed
  3. Run LOOT to rearrange your load order.

That’s it. We have removed a lot of unused objects from the game. It’s difficult to show the difference, because, these are mainly rocks, but take my word for it.

Punxsutawney Phil is not alive anymore

One of the most annoying things I have to suffer every time I start a new playthrough is the introductory part of the game, in Vault 101.

The introductory chapter has its charm the first time you play it, and even the second time, if you ask me. But from the second time onwards, it gets as close as could be to a post-apocalyptic version of the Groundhog Day.

If you follow this guide long enough to install Fallout Wanderers Edition (why shouldn’t you?), you will have several different alternate starts for your character, but I have never liked them. I like to be the lone wanderer, abruptly egressed from the dictatorial confinement of Vault 101. What I don’t like is repeating all the initial steps over and over again each time I want to start a new game.

If you are worried about this, like me, fear not! I am offering you the perfect groundhog killer: a saved game right before leaving Vault 101.

When you open the door to the Wasteland, a menu will appear, offering you the possibility to change every aspect of your character: name, race, gender, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and skills, so you can customize the Generic Hero included in the saved game to fit your needs and dark desires.

The Lone Wanderer right before leaving Vault 101
Figure 74. The Lone Wanderer right before leaving Vault 101

If you want to use the saved game, just copy the file to the folder [%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves] and unzip it, removing the ZIP file after. Then just run the game and load the saved game, which should run fine as long as you have the mods in this chapter installed.

Customizable saved game
Figure 75. Customizable saved game

Enhancing the game

What comes next is pretty much a matter of personal taste. While fixing the game should be completed head to toe for everyone, enhancing the game is something you need to consider, balancing pros and cons.

A rule of thumb: less is more. The fewer mods you install, the better. That said, there are a few areas where the game can be greatly improved.

Mods in this section roughly fall into one of these categories:

  • Overhauls.

  • Graphics enhancements.

  • Audio enhancements.

  • User interface enhancements.

It is tempting to install 200 mods, yelling "WOW!" each time you step into one awesome mod you suddenly discover you cannot live without. Nevertheless, before installing a new mod, think carefully, because you will need to:

  • Install the mod.

  • Rearrange the load order.

  • Maybe install compatibility patches with other mods previously installed.

  • Create and fine tune a merged patch to avoid crashes.

This is not for the faint of heart, and, remember, our goal is to play the game, not to play the best fucking overmodded possible game.

When it comes to mods, not only the load order is important, but also the install order. You need to be careful, because some mods overwrite files previously written (or overwritten) by other mods.

Improving the user interface

The first thing we are going to improve is the user interface.

Bethesda games have, broadly speaking, a shitty user interface, designed with blind, spastic monkeys in mind. The fonts are humongous, the menu layout is weird, and so forth and so on.

Thus, we are starting with a series of mods that have a low impact on the overall state of the game and, at the same time, are pleasant and noticeable.

There are several videos to warm up the engines: one to cover the installation of the mods (25:05), and the other to explain how to stitch them all together (4:42) (there is also an extended version (11:23)).

Building the basement

Mods used in this chapter:

First things first, we are going to need a way for all the mods to collaborate seamlessly, and for this, we are going to install User Interface Organizer, or UIO. This mod will keep every important user interface mod out there in line.

If you have followed the guide so far, you have a grasp of the basics to download, activate and reorder any mod, so:

  1. Download UIO with NMM.

  2. Activate it.

And that’s really it. No need to use LOOT because this is a FOSE plugin. FOSE plugins are placed in [%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Data\FOSE\Plugins], so there should be a file named ui_organizer.dll in that folder.

Face-washing the HUD

Mods used in this chapter:

Next, we are going to shrink the user interface using DarNified UI F3, or DUIF3.

This will be a bit tricky, because there are no NMM packages right out-of-the-box. Instead, we have the FOMOD (Fallout Mod Manager) packages…​ But they are compatible with NMM, so bear with me.

  1. Download DUIF3 Alpha11. The file is called

  2. Download DUIF3 Alpha11 Hotfix. The file is called dui_f3a11_HF.7z.

  3. Unzip the main file ( in a location of your choice. The zipped file should contain just one file, dui_f3a11.fomod.

  4. .fomod files are, in fact, .zip files, so you can use 7-Zip or WinRAR to unzip the file dui_f3a11.fomod to a location of your choice, say [%DUIF3%].

  5. Unzip the hotfix (dui_f3a11_HF.7z) and copy the contents of the unzipped file into the folder [%DUIF3%] we just created. Overwrite files when necessary.

  6. Compress the contents of the folder [%DUIF3%] into a file called darNifiedUI F3 The root of the file should contain the following folders, just for you to check.

    • [Docs]

    • [fomod]

    • [menus]

    • [meshes]

    • [textures]

  7. Start NMM, go to the Mods tab and click on the green plus sign to add mod from file.

    NMM Adding mod from file
    Figure 76. NMM Adding mod from file
  8. In the file selector that appears, navigate to the location of darNifiedUI F3 and choose it.

    NMM DUIF3 files loaded
    Figure 77. NMM DUIF3 files loaded
  9. Activate the mod file by double-clicking on it. Eventually, you will be asked to confirm if you want to use the fonts provided with DUIF3. As crazy as it sounds, you want to say No, for now.

    NMM DUIF3 font config confirmation
    Figure 78. NMM DUIF3 font config confirmation
  10. DUIF3 is finally installed.

    NMM DUIF3 installed
    Figure 79. NMM DUIF3 installed
  11. Just in case, use LOOT to sort your load order session. It is not really necessary, as DUIF3 sits on the bottom, but you need to flex your muscles now and then.

    Figure 80. LOOT DUIF3
  12. Remember when we said "no" to use the fonts provided by DUIF3? There is an error in NMM, possibly related to modifying files in certain protected Windows folders, which crashes the program. So, go back to the DUIF3 page and copy the text block starting with [Fonts]. I have even done half the job for you.

  1. Open the file FALLOUT.INI in [%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Fallout3] and paste the text over the contents of the [Fonts] section.

  2. Launch the game and check the Vault-boy head in the lower-left corner of the screen. If you hover with the mouse over the head, you will see something like that (version numbers may vary):

Fallout 3
DarNified UI F3 0.11.1a
Powered by FOSE 1.2 b2
  1. As a collateral effect, LIVE button in the main screen is enabled again, but fear not! This is nothing but DUIF3 taking full control of your interface settings in a somewhat standard way. GFWL is still disabled.

    Fallout 3 DUIF3 installed
    Figure 81. Fallout 3 DUIF3 installed
  2. However, I don’t like that option to be visible, so open the file DUIF3Settings.xml in [%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Data\Menus\prefabs] with your favorite text editor. Change the option <_sm_hideLIVE /> to 1. Save and exit. Launch the game to check the absent LIVE option.

    Fallout 3 DUIF3 absent LIVE option
    Figure 82. Fallout 3 DUIF3 absent LIVE option
  3. Start a new game or continue a previous one, and check the smaller HUD elements, including new information about date and time in the upper-right corner of the screen.

    Fallout 3 DUIF3 small HUD
    Figure 83. Fallout 3 DUIF3 small HUD
  4. If you press ESC in game, you will see a new option at the right to configure DUIF3.

    Fallout 3 DUIF3 ingame option
    Figure 84. Fallout 3 DUIF3 ingame option
  5. There are a lot of settings for you to configure, adjusting the HUD to your liking.

    Fallout 3 DUIF3 settings
    Figure 85. Fallout 3 DUIF3 settings

Rearranging things

Mods used in this chapter:

For those of you who don’t like the default layout of the Heads Up Display (HUD), there is a little mod (little in size, that is) which helps you to change exactly that: Adjustable HUD or aHUD.

  1. Download the mod with NMM, as usual. Take care to download the DarNified UI F3 version.

  2. Activate it in the Mods tab by double-clicking on its name.

  3. The mod changes files installed by DUIF3, so answer Yes to all when asked to overwrite files.

  4. Run LOOT and sort your load order.

  5. Launch the game and press F6 in-game to show the aHUD settings menu.

    Fallout 3 aHUD settings
    Figure 86. Fallout 3 aHUD settings
  6. Using the menu options you can select any of the following items to relocate:

    • Compass.

    • Hitpoints.

    • Actions points.

    • Weapon condition and ammo.

  7. Select the items you want to relocate and move them around using the numpad arrow keys (that is Num8, Num2, Num4 and Num6 for up, down, left and right, respectively). The R and Num5 keys are used to reset the current movement operation (be careful; I restarted unintentionally the movement of the compass three times because I am used to the arrow keys, so I insisted on using Num5 as "Down", instead of Num2 ¬¬). Any other key finishes the movement operation.

    Fallout 3 aHUD relocated items
    Figure 87. Fallout 3 aHUD relocated items

Take into account that if you plan to keep on installing mods using this guide, you may not want to relocate your HUD items, because several of the mods overwrite the XML files used to keep the HUD layout.

Seeing things just when you need to

Mods used in this chapter:

In addition to have the HUD elements placed where you like, you can improve the immersion by hiding these elements when you don’t need them. I like to have them hidden when I am wandering around and have them shown when I am in combat. We have Immersive HUD or iHUD for this.

  1. Download the mod with NMM. We are saving the file Immersive HUD - Darnified FWE Patch for later, when we install Fallout 3 Wanderer’s Edition.

  2. Activate it, the usual way.

  3. Answer Yes to all when asked to overwrite files.

  4. Use LOOT to sort your load order.

  5. Launch the game and notice the absence of HUD elements on screen.

    Fallout 3 iHUD default
    Figure 88. Fallout 3 iHUD default
  6. Keep the I key pressed a few moments. The iHUD settings menu will appear.

    Fallout 3 iHUD settings
    Figure 89. Fallout 3 iHUD settings
  7. There are a lot of customization options in iHUD. Tweak around until you feel comfortable with the results (Gopher’s video should help, around 18:20).

  8. A final step: we are going to create a backup copy of the folder with the menu definitions ([%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Data\Menus]).

Why this backup? Well, there are a lot of mods which change the user interface, and we are going to use them. In these matters, installation order is more important than load order, because each mod overwrites several files to fulfill its own goals, thus losing the modifications created by previous mods.

The way we are installing mods in this guide is more functional than technical, so the installation order we are following is less than ideal. However, we are going to manually keep track of the changes made by each mod to stitch all them together.

Cleaning up your faithful companion

Mods used in this chapter:

One of the things you are going to see a lot in this game is your Pip-Boy. And when I say "a lot", I mean an awful-fucking lot. It’s your personal assistant, after all.

It’s a little sad to see that glorious piece of junk in low resolution, so, let’s improve how it looks:

  1. Download PipBoy 3000 HD Retexture - PC and Xbox Controller Versions from PipBoy 3000 HD Retexture with NMM.

  2. Download Faster Pipboy Faster from Faster Pipboy Faster manually. NMM detects this mod is not specifically designed for Fallout 3, so it cannot download the file.

  3. Download Shiloh DS - Clean Pipboy Screen v1_4 from Shiloh DS - Clean Pipboy Screen manually (same reasons as before).

  4. Add the two Fallout New Vegas mods to NMM using the button Add mod from file. We will have all the files ready in NMM by then.

    NMM cleaning Pip-Boy mods
    Figure 90. NMM cleaning Pip-Boy mods
  5. Activate PipBoy 3000 HD Retexture - PipBoy 3000 HD Retexture - PC and Xbox Controller Versions first. There shouldn’t be any overwriting.

  6. Activate Faster Pipboy Faster-35225 next. No conflicts should arise, either.

  7. Finally, activate Shiloh DS - Clean Pipboy Screen. A window with several options will appear. We will choose:

    • Remove Scanlines.

    • Remove Screen Glare.

    • Remove Distorting Effects.

    • Add Pure Black BG.

    • Remove Map Tinting.

    • Glow Intensity 128% (default).

    • Standard compatibility.

      NMM Clean Pip-Boy options
      Figure 91. NMM Clean Pip-Boy options
  8. The mod overwrites several files installed by DUIF3, so answer Yes to all when asked to.

  9. Launch the game and pull out your Pip-Boy with the TAB key. You will notice a piece of junk hitting your face at full speed, and also a dramatic change in the cleanliness of the screen. Compare before and after.

    Fallout 3 Pip-Boy before retexturing
    Figure 92. Fallout 3 Pip-Boy before retexturing
    Fallout 3 Pip-Boy after retexturing
    Figure 93. Fallout 3 Pip-Boy after retexturing

You don’t want to ask for directions

Mods used in this chapter:

Let’s face it: the vanilla map in Fallout 3 seems to have been produced from Dora the Explorer’s backpack. And you don’t want to start asking directions in D.C., because super-mutants are not known for their kindness of heart with strangers.

We are going to use Better High Detail Map and Icons to have decent maps, along with No more dots to get rid of the white dotted line that tells you the shortest path between you and a suitable Darwin Awards death, because in mathematics the straight line may be the shortest path between two points, but in real life, and specially in the Capital Wasteland, it’s a ticket to Hell.

  1. Download Better High Detail Map and Icons from Better High Detail Map and Icons with NMM. It will take a while, because the texture files are pretty big (43 MB or so).

  2. Download no more dots v01 from no more dots with NMM.

  3. Activate NMM shows a floating window with the installation options for the mod. Choose one map size and brightness (I chose 8k with roads and 50% more brightness, but your mileage may vary). Click on Next.

    NMM Better High Detail Map and Icons install options
    Figure 94. NMM Better High Detail Map and Icons install options
  4. Next window contains the customization options for the mod. I checked "Custom icons" and green markers. It is important not to check "Clean Pipboy Screen", because we applied a specific mod to do just that in the previous chapter. Click on Finish.

    NMM Better High Detail Map and Icons customization options
    Figure 95. NMM Better High Detail Map and Icons customization options
  5. Answer No to all when asked to overwrite files. The mod tries to overwrite files from Shiloh DS - Clean Pipboy Screen, but the files are just fine.

  6. Activate no more dots - no more dots v01. No overwriting required.

  7. Launch the game, fire up your Pip-Boy and compare, before and after.

    Fallout 3 world map before
    Figure 96. Fallout 3 world map before
    Fallout 3 world map after
    Figure 97. Fallout 3 world map after

Shed some light here, please

Mods used in this chapter:

Lighting in Fallout 3 is somewhat weird. Sometimes you will find your self into what seems to be a lucid LSD-induced dream, with overexposed lights all around you. If you use your Pip-Boy’s lamplight, things get much worse.

This small mod, SmoothLight - Pip-Boy Light Enhancer, comes to the rescue. Here we go.

  1. Download and activate the mod with NMM. There shouldn’t be any conflicts.

  2. Use LOOT to sort your load order.

  3. Launch the game and activate your Pip-Boy’s lamplight long-pressing the TAB key in a dark area.

  4. See the difference for yourself.

    With no light:

    Fallout 3 no Pip-Boy light
    Figure 98. Fallout 3 no Pip-Boy light

    With standard light:

    Fallout 3 standard light
    Figure 99. Fallout 3 standard light

    With enhanced light:

    Fallout 3 enhanced light
    Figure 100. Fallout 3 enhanced light

The difference is subtle, more noticeable in dark interiors.

Lend me your ears (optional)

Audio is one of the most underrated aspects in videogames. There is an unfortunate term coined for those gamers craving for the ultimate graphics experience: graphic whores. For audio? There is none, except if you would consider audiophile, but that has not the same taste.

Gaming experience is built on top of both graphics and audio. The latter is a subtle part, but very important, nonetheless. Good ambient sounds and soundtrack can make your journey something memorable.

In this chapter we will take care of that, changing the way you hear and listen to the Wasteland.

Hearing the nukes fly in high quality

Mods used in this chapter:

There is just one mod in this chapter, Fallout 3 - HD Audio Overhaul - v1.21, and it’s a complete overhaul of all things related with audio in Fallout 3, from ambient sounds to soundtrack.

This mod is massive, so grab a mug of coffee and stay tuned with the latest news while installing it. You just have to download and install it with NMM. No conflicts should arise. No need to rearrange the load order, either, for there is not .esp or .esm installed.

Launch the game and listen carefully…​

Those crickets are driving me mad

Mods used in this chapter:

Imagine yourself wandering at night in the radioactive wastes of the slums in D.C. There are a lot of things going on, even in a desolate barren like this: insects, night birds of prey, dogs, etc. These are the small things that boost a real sense of immersion in the game.

Ambient Wasteland 2 is for ambient sounds what Fallout 3 HQ Audio Overhaul is for music. It changes the small sounds of the Wasteland so you can shit your pants looking for that owl you heard in the dark.

  1. Download Ambient Wasteland 2 WAV edition with NMM. Be careful: we want the WAV edition, not the MP3 edition. We want to give it all we’ve got.

  2. Download Ambient Wasteland 2 Wav Patch with NMM.

  3. Activate them in the same order you downloaded them. The patch will overwrite files from the main file. Otherwise, there will be no conflicts.

And that’s really it. Launch the game and search for a deserted area with no imminent danger. Sit back and listen.

A soundtrack for your lonely Wasteland nights

I have to confess I have never listened to a single radio station in the game in any of my playthroughs. I usually prefer to listen to the ambient sounds, because you’ll never when you are about to become the next meal of a hungry deformed creature.

Radio stations, not being my cup of tea (with butter, Tibet style), are an immersive piece of lore, though. We are going to add two new radio stations and to improve an existent one:

Let’s go, then.

  1. Download GNR Enhanced with NMM. Download Beta Update too. The main file is huge, so go and get a Nuka-Cola somewhere.

  2. Download Conelrad 640-1240 with NMM.

  3. Download Existence 2.0 with NMM.

  4. Activate them in any order. There will be no overlapping, except for the Beta Update in GNR.

  5. Run LOOT to rearrange your load order.

  6. You will need to be in the station’s range to tune in (Data button, Radio section in your Pip-Boy), but when you do, enjoy the rhythm! Conelrad 640-1240 and Existence 2.0 will be immediately available right after leaving Vault 101.

    Fallout 3 new radio stations
    Figure 101. Fallout 3 new radio stations

Playing the bad-ass way

We have a pretty much vanilla game up to this point. Yeah, we changed the way the game looks and sounds in the previous chapter, but the base game still remains the same.

We are going to dramatically change that. Think of a chicken nugget that turns itself into a filet mignon, all of a sudden.

Ad astra per aspera

Mods used in this chapter:

The title of this chapter means "through hardships to the stars", in Latin, and it would be a good way to define our next mod: Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition, or FWE. Xuul has a video explaining how to install FWE (15:16), and there is a page for the project with lots of useful information.

The list of changes made by FWE is so long and their implications so deep that you’d better read the mod page to get a glimpse of that. The bottom line is: you will be playing a harsher, more challenging version of the game.

We will be needing six files:

  • FWE Master Release 6-0 - Part 1 (from FWE).

  • FWE Master Release 6-0 - Part 2 (from FWE).

  • FWE 6-03a HOTFIX PATCH (from FWE).

  • DarnUI Support for FWE 6-02 (from FWE).

  • Immersive HUD - iHUD - Immersive HUD - Darnified FWE Patch (from iHUD).

  • UUF3P - FWE Compatibility Patch (from Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch).

Let’s start!

  1. Download the three FWE files (FWE 6-03a HOTFIX PATCH, FWE Master Release 6-0 - Part 1 and FWE Master Release 6-0 - Part 2) manually, not with NMM, in a location of your choice.

  2. Download the three remaining files with NMM, but do not activate them.

  3. Create a folder in a location of your choice, say [%FWE_FULL%].

  4. Unzip the file FWE Master Release 6-0 - Part 1-2761.7z in a location of your choice (say [%FWE_PART_1%]), using 7-Zip, for example.

  5. Unzip the file FWE Master Release 6-0 - Part 2-2761.7z in a location of your choice (say [%FWE_PART_2%]).

  6. Unzip the file FWE 6-03a HOTFIX PATCH-2761.7z in a location of your choice (say [%FWE_HOTFIX%]).

  7. Copy the contents of the folder [%FWE_PART_1%] into the folder [%FWE_FULL%].

  8. Copy the contents of the folder [%FWE_PART_2%] (except the folder [fomod]) into the folder [%FWE_FULL%], overwriting when necessary.

  9. Copy the contents of the folder [%FWE_HOTFIX%] (except the folder [fomod]) into the folder [%FWE_FULL%], overwriting when necessary.

  10. Create a ZIP file (say with the contents of the folder [%FWE_FULL%]. The compression will take a while, for the mod contents weight over 1 GB. The root of the zipped file should have the following folders, just to check:

    • [fomod]

    • [Meshes]

    • [Sound]

    • [Textures]

  11. Add to NMM, like we did before with DarNifiedUI.

    NMM FWE add mod from file
    Figure 102. NMM FWE add mod from file
  12. We have all the files ready to install.

    NMM FWE entries
    Figure 103. NMM FWE entries
  13. Double click on FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition to bring up a window with some options. Leave all default options checked and check Alternate Travel, and maybe VATS Halftime and VATS Realtime if you feel up to.

    NMM FWE setup
    Figure 104. NMM FWE setup
  14. The installation takes a while, for the mod is huge…​

    NMM FWE installing
    Figure 105. NMM FWE installing
  15. Finally, the manager notifies us about a successful installation. There shouldn’t be any conflicts.

    NMM FWE installed
    Figure 106. NMM FWE installed
  16. Double click on FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition - DarnUI Support for FWE 6-02 and answer Yes to all when asked to overwrite files.

  17. Double click on Immersive HUD - iHUD - Immersive HUD - Darnified FWE Patch and answer Yes to all when asked to overwrite files.

  18. Double click on UPDATED Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - UUF3P - FWE Compatibility Patch and answer Yew to all when asked to overwrite files.

  19. Due to the install order we are following (functional, instead of technical), the two user interface patches we have just activated make a little mess of the HUD. To correct that, I have created a small patch of my own (Modding never changes DUIF3-FWE patch) with the merged files. Download the patch, add it to NMM and activate it, overwriting files when needed.

  20. A number of files has been installed, so we need to rearrange our load order. Fire up LOOT and sort the files.

  21. LOOT warns you that certain files are somewhat dirty, so a cleaning with FO3Edit is in order. Just clean the files following the same steps we did in the chapter about cleaning up the master files. To clean each file, select just this file in FO3Edit and let the tool select the set of files it depends on. For example, if you select FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm, the following files will be loaded altogether:

    • Fallout3.esm

    • Fallout3.exe

    • CRAFT.esm

    • CALIBR.esm

  22. When all the files have been cleaned, run LOOT again and check there are no ITM records or undeleted references in your load order. There shouldn’t be any.

  23. And that’s it. We have FWE completely installed. Launch the game and start a new game (yes, a new game). At certain point, you may choose between the classic storyline or an alternate start.

    Fallout 3 FWE alternate start
    Figure 107. Fallout 3 FWE alternate start
  24. You can assign your skills, perks and even a background story in a terminal right in front of you right after waking up.

    Fallout 3 FWE special terminal
    Figure 108. Fallout 3 FWE special terminal
  25. When you have selected the skill set for your journey, just sleep in the mat on the floor and wake up to your new life. After a moment, a dialog will appear talking about Wasteland Explorer, a motorcycle which replaces fast travel (we disabled it, remember?). Enable it for good.

    Fallout 3 FWE Wasteland Explorer enabled
    Figure 109. Fallout 3 FWE Wasteland Explorer enabled
  26. And now we are at it…​ Remember when we relocated the HUD elements to fit our needs? Well, FWE resets that, so, regrettably, you will have to relocate them again. Notice the new grenade icon on the right lower corner and the primary needs info under the clock.

    Fallout 3 FWE HUD reset
    Figure 110. Fallout 3 FWE HUD reset
  27. Pull out your Pip-Boy and go to the Items and then Apparel. There it is the option to configure FWE.

    Fallout 3 FWE Pip-Boy option
    Figure 111. Fallout 3 FWE Pip-Boy option
  28. Click on the option to show the shitload of configurable settings for this mod.

    Fallout 3 FWE settings
    Figure 112. Fallout 3 FWE settings

From this point on, we will be using The Mergers, from Paradox Ignition. These are merged patches for the main mods we are going to install. They are aimed to reduce the file load in our data folder and increase stability.

A sound for Chekhov’s gun

Mods used in this chapter:

I have never fired a real weapon in my life, so I couldn’t tell the sound of a real gun from a virtual one. However, with the Improved Sound FX v1_3 mod, it’s not difficult to guess which version sound better.

See, or I should say, listen for yourself, in this lengthy video (6:38) (for what it is), showcasing the difference between vanilla and improved weapon sounds. You will have a much more satisfying rain of bullets in your everyday shoot-outs.

  1. Download and activate Improved Sounds FX v13.

  2. The sound files collide with previous files installed by FWE, so answer Yes to all when asked to overwrite.

By the way, this chapter should have been included into the chapter about music and sound, but FWE collides with Improved Sound FX v1_3 and doesn’t get well along with it, so I decided to alter the functional order I have been following so far to ensure a flawless setup.

Fraternizing with the neighborhood

If you like real challenges, you will love Martigen’s Mutant Mod, or MMM, for short. MMM adds a lot of color to the game, in the form of new (and tougher) enemies, increased spawn rates, and so on.You will have plenty of rotten flesh-shaped love.

  1. Download the file Marts Mutant Mod 1-RC61 FOMOD Ready with NMM (yeah, half of this book is plagued with acronyms; I am acutely aware of that). No need to download the update because the merged patch we are going to use overwrites the files in it.

  2. Download Marts Mutant Mod Merged from The Mergers page with NMM. Notice the downloaded files.

    NMM MMM files downloaded
    Figure 113. NMM MMM files downloaded
  3. Activate Martigen’s Mutant Mod by double-clicking on it. NMM shows a window to select the preferred configuration method. We will choose the in-game menu, as it requires far less tinkering than its ESP counterpart.

    NMM MMM menu configuration
    Figure 114. NMM MMM menu configuration
  4. In the next window, all the DLC options should be checked, but leave the global options unchecked. More on that later.

    NMM MMM global options
    Figure 115. NMM MMM global options
  5. MMM overwrites several files from FWE, as it overhauls the monster system in the game. Let it do its magic.

    NMM MMM FWE overwrite
    Figure 116. NMM MMM FWE overwrite
  6. We are going to get rid of the files installed by MMM to use the merged path we downloaded before. Create a folder in your data folder (namely [MMM backup]), and move the following files:

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod.esm

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod.esp

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

  7. Reopen NMM and activate Paradox Ignition presents The Mergers - Marts Mutant Mod Merged in the Mods tab. The merged patch will ask for permission to overwrite already installed files. Proceed as usual.

    NMM MMM merged patch overwriting
    Figure 117. NMM MMM merged patch overwriting
  8. There are three files installed we are not going to need, corresponding to the options we didn’t choose before regarding MMM configuration. They are in the data folder ([%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Data]), and can be safely removed, because the options they provide are yet included in FWE. Navigate to the data folder and delete them.

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    • Mart’s Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

  9. In the Plugins tab, check the presence of the file Mart’s Mutant Mod.esm, replacing all the files we installed before.

    NMM MMM installed
    Figure 118. NMM MMM installed
  10. Run LOOT as usual and rearrange your load order.

  11. Launch the game and pull up your Pip-Boy. Navigate to the Items button, Apparel section, where you will see a new entry called MMM Control Panel.

    Fallout 3 MMM control panel option
    Figure 119. Fallout 3 MMM control panel option
  12. Click on the aforementioned option and wade through the zillions of options to fine-tune your monster-hunting experience.

    Fallout 3 MMM settings
    Figure 120. Fallout 3 MMM settings

Take into account that we need a Blackened compatibility patch to run FWE and MMM seamlessly, but Blackened patches come in combos (for example, FWE + MMM + EVE), so we are going to postpone the installation of a patch until we have some other mods installed.

We need more firepower!

The vanilla version of Fallout 3 is somewhat limited regarding weapons. We’ll have plenty of firepower, but the weapon effects are dull, and the customization options are basically zero. Moreover, if you are used to traditional FPSs, you will surely find the aiming system a fucking crap.

We are getting serious here, because, at the end of the chapter, we will have a completely revamped weapon system in the game. As usual, Gopher has a fantastic video covering weapon mods (15:02), although not all of them. I have used also a similar Xuul’s video to update the weapon systems to get a cutting edge modding procedure.

We are going to install Weapon Mod Kits (WMK), Energy Visuals Enhanced (EVE) and Rogue Hallow’s Ironsights (RH_IronSights), along with the corresponding Paradox Ignition merged patches.

  1. Download the following WMK files manually, not with NMM:

  2. Create a folder in a location of your choice, namely [%WMK_FULL%].

  3. Unpack the contents of every WMK file we have downloaded into that folder. There shouldn’t be any overwriting.

  4. Zip the contents of [%WMK_FULL%] into a file named The root of this file should contain a bunch of .esp files, a bunch of _readme.txt files and several folders.

  5. Add to NMM (Add mod from file, in the green plus sign on the toolbar).

  6. Download the following RH_IronSights files manually, not with NMM:

  7. Create a folder in a location of your choice, say [%RH_IRONSIGHTS_FULL%].

  8. Unpack the contents of every RH_IronSights file we have downloaded into that folder. Overwrite files when necessary.

  9. Every RH_IronSights file contained a [Data] folder, but we are going to simplify things a little. Move all the contents of [%RH_IRONSIGHTS_FULL%\Data] to [%RH_IRONSIGHTS_FULL%] (up a level), and delete [%RH_IRONSIGHTS_FULL%\Data] folder.

  10. Download RH_Ironsights Merged manually from Paradox Ignition the Mergers page. This is a merged patch that allows us to reduce the number of loaded files for RH_IronSights.

  11. Unpack the contents of the merged patch into [%RH_IRONSIGHTS_FULL%], overwriting when necessary. Notice there is no [Data] folder this time.

  12. Delete the following files, which are replaced by the merged patch (every .esp file, in fact):

    • RH_IronSights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.esp

    • RH_IronSights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.esp

    • RH_IronSights_Basic_PittPlugin.esp

    • RH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp

    • RH_IronSights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.esp

    • RH_IronSights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.esp

    • RH_IronSights_Pitt_NewRifleSights.esp

    • RH_IronSights_PL_NewItems.esp

    • RH_IronSights_RemoveReticule.esp

    • RH_IronSights_Vanilla_BetterUniques.esp

    • RH_IronSights_Vanilla_NewWeapons.esp

  13. Zip the contents of [%RH_IRONSIGHTS_FULL%] into a file named

  14. Add to NMM (Add mod from file, in the green plus sign on the toolbar).

  15. Download EVE 099 file from EVE with NMM. Ignore the optional files.

  16. Download RH IronSights - FWE Bridge from RH_IronSights with NMM.

  17. Download RH_IronSights - EVE Bridge from RH_IronSights with NMM.

  18. Download RH_IronSights - WMK Bridge from RH_IronSights with NMM.

  19. We have a good bunch of mods ready to be installed.

    NMM weapon mods ready
    Figure 121. NMM weapon mods ready
  20. Activate WMK and answer Yes to all when asked for overwriting files (all from the previous FWE installation).

  21. Activate EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced - EVE 099. Again, it’s going to overwrite several FWE files.

  22. Activate RH_IronSights. Answer Yes to all when asked to overwrite files, as usual.

  23. Activate the RH_IronSights bridges, in the following order:

    • RH_IronSights - FOSE - RH_IronSights - EVE Bridge

    • RH_IronSights - FOSE - RH_IronSights - WMK Bridge

    • RH_IronSights - FOSE - RH IronSights - FWE Bridge

  24. We are going to need a compatibility patch to stitch all these mods together, so navigate to the Blackened compatibility patches page, download and activated Blackened FWE - MMM - EVE file with NMM.

  25. Run LOOT to rearrange your load order.

  26. According to LOOT, the files RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm and RH_EVE_Bridge.esp are dirty, so proceed to clean them up with FO3Edit. Remember: select just that file and the files it depends on will be automatically loaded.

  27. Run the game and you will notice the dramatic change when aiming your weapon. NOW, this is serious shit.

    Fallout 3 new sights
    Figure 122. Fallout 3 new sights

Expanding your world (optional)

This section is about adding new content to the game, and it’s the last block before changing the way the game looks. We are going to add a few new places and quests, a new playable set (armor, range finder, trap detector and nightvision gear), and pulling out a feature the game actually has, but does not show by default.

Hic sunt dracones

It’s not that Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition lacks places to visit. On the contrary, you will be ruining your life trying to unfold the secrets of the Capital Wasteland, but, still, why not add some spice to the mix?

We are going to install several mods that add new content to the game in the form of new quests and areas. Let’s start:

  1. Download the following files for each mod, all with NMM, unless otherwise specified:

    • A Note Easily Missed v107 for A Note Easily Missed.

    • Alton IL Version 2-0-1 and Alton IL Hotfix 2-0-3 for Alton, IL.

    • Manually download Alton Re-voiced update without lip files from Alton Revoicing Project.

    • Alton_IL_lip_for_Revoiced from Alton Revoiced lip files.

    • An Evening with Mister Manchester v181 and An Evening With Mister manchester v181 UPDATE for An Evening with Mister Manchester.

    • Arefu Expanded v1_7a - Data Files and Arefu Expanded v1_7d - ESP and ESM files for Arefu Expanded.

    • Mothership Zeta Crew V 166 ZIP for Mothership Zeta Crew.

    • The Institute - a fully voiced quest mod 1_0_1 and The Institute 1_0_1 ESM only from The Institute - a fully voiced quest mod.

    • To sleep - perchance to dream v106 and To sleep - perchance to dream v1061 for To sleep - perchance to dream.

    • Vault 101 Revisited - Main 104 for Vault 101 Revisited.

  2. Manually add the file Alton Re-voiced update without lip to NMM (this is the only file not downloaded with NMM in this series).

  3. Check all the files are downloaded and ready in NMM. Take into account that Mothership Zeta Crew is HUGE (over 1 GB), so be patient and make the most of your time reading online documentation about creating a book using Asciidoc, for example.

    NMM new content mods
    Figure 123. NMM new content mods
  4. We are going to activate Alton, IL files first, because there is a main file and several patches. Activate them in the following order, overwriting when asked to.

    • Alton IL - Huge World and Quest Mod - Alton IL Version 2-0-1

    • Alton IL Hotfix 2-0-3 RC

    • Alton Revoicing Project

    • Alton Revoiced lip files - Alton_IL_lip_for_Revoiced

  5. Activate the following files next, in this order, overwriting original files with patches/updates:

    • Arefu Expanded v1_7d by Azar - Arefu Expanded v1_7a - Data Files

    • Arefu Expanded v1_7d by Azar - Arefu Expanded v1_7d - ESP and ESM files

    • Mothership Zeta Crew - Mothership Zeta Crew V 166 ZIP

    • A Note Easily Missed - A Note Easily Missed v107

    • An Evening With Mister Manchester - An Evening with Mister Manchester v181

    • An Evening With Mister Manchester - An Evening With Mister manchester v181 UPDATE

    • The Institute - a fully voiced quest mod - The Institute - a fully voiced quest mod 1_0_1

    • The Institute - a fully voiced quest mod - The Institute 1_0_1 ESM only

    • To sleep - perchance to dream - To sleep - perchance to dream v106

    • To sleep - perchance to dream - To sleep - perchance to dream v1061

    • Vault 101 Revisited - Vault 101 Revisited - Main 104

  6. When all them mods are installed, fire up LOOT to rearrange your load order. Ignore the load order for now, because there are several dirty files we have to clean first. These are the dirty files to clean with FO3Edit:

    • Vault 101 Revisited.esm

    • HeirApparent.esp

    • NotSoFast.esp

    • IntoTheDeepWoods.esp

  7. Fire up LOOT again an rearrange your load order, which will change due to the cleaning.

  8. Launch the game and wait a few moments to see several dialogs to kick-in the missions (except Mothership Zeta Crew, which launches elsewhere).

    Fallout 3 new quests dialog 1
    Figure 124. Fallout 3 new quests dialog 1
    Fallout 3 new quests dialog 2
    Figure 125. Fallout 3 new quests dialog 2
    Fallout 3 new quests dialog 3
    Figure 126. Fallout 3 new quests dialog 3
    Fallout 3 new quests dialog 4
    Figure 127. Fallout 3 new quests dialog 4
  9. You can check the quests pulling up your Pip-Boy and navigating to the Data section, Notes option. The following notes should be there for you:

    Fallout 3 new quests notes
    Figure 128. Fallout 3 new quests notes

Gear for a fallen brother

Gopher has created four mods which add an interesting gear set based on a fallen Brotherhood of Steel’s operative. There is a small Gopher’s video showing the features of the Advanced Recon gear set (4:42).

Let’s install them:

  1. Download Advanced Recon Armor v 4 from Advanced Recon Stealth Armor with NMM.

  2. Download Detect Traps v 2 and Adv Recon Thermal Nightvision - Detect Traps Patch from Advanced Recon Trap Detection with NMM.

  3. Download Adv Recon Range Finder from Advanced Recon Range Finder with NMM.

  4. Download Adv Recon Thermal Nightvision, Mr Burkes key and Adv Recon Thermal Nightvision - FWE Patch from Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision with NMM.

  5. There is an interesting patch which enables nightvision/thermalvision on any headgear, not limited to Advanced Recon Armor. Download Advanced Recon Patcher with NMM.

  6. You should have the complete Advanced Recon set by now.

    NMM Advanced Recon set
    Figure 129. NMM Advanced Recon set
  7. Activate the mods in the following order.

    • Advanced Recon Stealth Armor

    • Advanced Recon Trap Detection - Detect Traps v 2

    • Advanced Recon Range Finder FO3 - Adv Recon Range Finder

    • Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision - Adv Recon Thermal Nightvision

    • Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision - Mr Burkes key

    • Advanced Recon Trap Detection - Adv Recon Thermal Nightvision - Detect Traps Patch

    • Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision Patcher - Advanced Recon Patcher

    • Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision - Adv Recon Thermal Nightvision - FWE Patch

  8. When you activate Advanced Recon Stealth Armor, a pop-up with options will, well, pop up. Leave the options unchanged and click on Install.

    NMM Advanced Recon Stealth Armor install options
    Figure 130. NMM Advanced Recon Stealth Armor install options
  9. When you activate Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision - Adv Recon Thermal Nightvision, NMM asks for permission to overwrite files from the previous iHUD installation. It adds certain overlay items when using scopes and binoculars. Answer Yes to all, as usual.

    NMM Advanced Recon Range Finder overwrite
    Figure 131. NMM Advanced Recon Range Finder overwrite
  10. Fire up LOOT to rearrange your load order.

  11. Launch the game and check your new nice looking outfit. In your Pip-Boy (section Items, option Apparel), there are two new options to configure your Advanced Recon gear settings.

    Fallout 3 Advanced Recon black coat
    Figure 132. Fallout 3 Advanced Recon black coat
    Fallout 3 Advanced Recon gear settings
    Figure 133. Fallout 3 Advanced Recon gear settings

For the achievement junkie in you

If you have ever played World of Warcraft, you will know that there is a deep, ingrained part of your reptilian brain that generates a huge amount of endorphines every time you get an Achievement unlocked message after fulfilling a series of tasks.

I know what I am talking about. Trust me.

Well, there are achievements in Fallout 3, but they are not clearly visible after their first (and only) appearance. This mod (and its fix) lets you view all your achievements in the Data/Notes section of your Pip-Boy. However, be advised: the log gets installed only in a fresh playthrough, using the main Vault 101 start, not one of the alternate starts from FWE.

  1. Download Personal Achievements Log v12 from Personal Achievements Log with NMM.

  2. Download SeraphTCs Personal Achievements Log FIX from SeraphTCs Personal Achievements Log FIX with NMM.

  3. Activate the mods in the same order you downloaded them. The fix should overwrite files from the main mod, as usual.

  4. The mod installs a number of .esp files, but we don’t need all of them. Since we are using the GOTY version of Fallout 3, we only need PAL - MERGED.esp, so open the data folder ([%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Data]) and delete the following files:

    • PAL - BASE File.esp

    • PAL - Broken Steel.esp

    • PAL - Mothership Zeta.esp

    • PAL - Operation Anchorage.esp

    • PAL - Point Lookout.esp

    • PAL - The Pitt.esp

  5. Run LOOT to rearrange your load order.

  6. You will have to start a fresh game to see the achievements log in action. At your ninth birthday party, when you receive your own Pip-Boy from the hands of the Overseer, navigate through the Data button, Notes option. There should be a Personal achievements Log option to view your short achievement list (at least for the time being).

    Fallout 3 personal achievements log
    Figure 134. Fallout 3 personal achievements log

So you want to take over the world, uh?

Who has not ever dreamed of taking over the world with an army of half-crazed human-killing robots manufactured by oneself?

Well, I have. Sort of.

But let’s talk about robots in Fallout 3. By now, you have seen them. They are ubiquitous, and if you mess with them, you will end up being some hundred degrees more roasted than usual. To begin with.

However, they are just NPCs. Rusty, metal-ass NPCs, but NPCs nonetheless. You can’t create new robots, and you can’t command existing ones either.

Until RobCo Certified appeared, that is.

With this mod you get a new perk which gives you the ability to repair destroyed robots or create new ones out of scrap collected throughout your wanderings. The wet dream of you, brother nerds. You can take a peek at the video showcasing some of the mod features (1:03), by TheTalkieToaster, the mod author.

This mod requires a bit of fiddling because it’s not ready to work along the Paradox version of EVE, so we need to install a patch and make sure the right files are in place. Let’s get on with it.

  1. Download the following files from RobCo Certified manually, in a folder of your choice (say, [%ROBCO_FULL%]):

  2. Unzip all four files into [%ROBCO_FULL%]. There will be no files with the same name.

  3. Delete the following files inside [%ROBCO_FULL%]:

    • RobCo Certified v2 EVE.esp

    • RobCo Certified v2 FWE.esp

    • RobCo Certified v2 Omnipatch.esp

    • RobCo Certified v2 Version Updater.esp

    • RobCo Certified v2 Zeta Addon.esp

  4. Zip the contents of [%ROBCO_FULL%] into a file named RobCo Certified

  5. Fire up NMM and manually add RobCo Certified in the Mods tab.

  6. Download RobCo Certified Omnipatch for Paradox EVE from EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced with NMM.

  7. Download Impervious Power Armour v2-2 from Impervious Power Armour to add a stronger armour-plating to robots, impervious to small guns (it will also work with power armors for your character).

  8. Download Mister Smiths Scrapyard from Mr Smiths Scrapyard to get a vendor specialized in robot parts and junk.

  9. We have all the files we need in NMM, locked and loaded.

    NMM RobCo mods installed
    Figure 135. NMM RobCo mods installed
  10. Activate the files in the following order, answering Yes to all when asked to overwrite files:

    • RobCo Certified v2

    • EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced - RobCo Certified Omnipatch for Paradox EVE

    • Impervious Power Armour - Impervious Power Armour v2-2

    • Mr Smiths Scrapyard - Mister Smiths Scrapyard

  11. Run LOOT to rearrange your load order.

  12. There are four dirty files in our mod stack. Clean them up with FO3Edit, as usual:

    • Companion Core.esm

    • RobCo Certified v2.esm

    • RobcoCertified24SideMod.esp

    • Companion Core DLC Addon.esp

  13. When you level up, you will get the RobCo Certified perk for you to unleash your nerdy urges.

    Fallout 3 RobCo Certified perk
    Figure 136. Fallout 3 RobCo Certified perk

There’s no place like Megaton

Mods used in this chapter:

Megaton will be the first settlement you will find right after leaving Vault 101 (or elsewhere, if you choose an alternate start from FWE). You will spend quite a lot of time there, at least at the beginning, because a) it’s a main quest hub, and b) you will get homesick with the memories of that rusty pile of shit, eventually.

However, Megaton has the same problem all the major cities on this planet have: poor urban planning. I guess having an undetonated nuke half-buried in your main square impose certain trade-offs.

We are going to install two mods here. One will add an overhead walkway which links the most interesting places with your own house (in case you end owning it). The other adds a third floor to that house, giving you extra room to store the tons of junk you are going to collect (I guess this game is disturbing for people with OCD).

  1. Download Megaton Walkway from Megaton Walkway with NMM.

  2. Download Expanded Megaton House V3 from Expanded Megaton House V3 with NMM.

  3. Activate them in the same order you downloaded them. No conflicts here.

  4. Fire up LOOT to rearrange your load order, as usual.

  5. Launch the game and take a look at the walkway and the extra story in your house

    Fallout 3 Megaton walkway
    Figure 137. Fallout 3 Megaton walkway
    Fallout 3 Megaton new balcony
    Figure 138. Fallout 3 Megaton new balcony

Let’s go shopping to D.C.!

Mods used in this chapter:

Downtown D.C. used to be a place full of life.

Well, it still is, but the life it has now doesn’t like other lifeforms. It’s not a very friendly neighborhood nowadays, with the nuclear fallout, the mutants and whatnot.

Unfriendly non-quite-human beings are not the best thing for small commerce, but why all these cardboard facades? Did everybody take their time to board up the entrances when the anti-aircraft sirens started wailing or what?

The next mod addresses that, adding a lot of places to investigate not only in D.C., but also around the Wasteland.

  1. Download DCInteriors_combo Edition Total Merge and MMM_DCinteriors Patch from DCInteriors Project with NMM.

  2. Activate DCInteriors Project - DCInteriors_combo Edition Total Merge first. No overwriting required.

  3. Activate DCInteriors Project - MMM_DCinteriors Patch next. No overwriting either.

  4. Run LOOT and, you know, the usual business.

  5. The file DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm is dirty, so we have to clean it with FO3Edit.

  6. Sorry, no screenshots here. It’s a long way Downtown D.C.

Unveiling the real Wasteland

Fallout 3 is a terrific game, but it shows its age at first sight.

If you have followed this guide up to this point, you could play a greatly enjoyable game just with the mods I have recommended. But if you want to go the extra mile and change your visual perception of the Wasteland forever, please, bear with me and keep on reading.

However, be advised: the mods in this section will push your machine capabilities to its limits.

She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies

Mods used in this chapter:

One of the first things we can improve regarding the appearance of our world is the night sky. There are two mods (Enhanced Night Sky and krzymar HI-RES Moon) that will make you cry tears of joy every time you look up to the Moon.

That will also grant you a short lifespan, killed by any night-crawling creature which happens to find you an easy meal, ready to be disemboweled.

  1. Download Enhanced Night Sky from Enhanced Night Sky with NMM.

  2. Download krzymar_HI-RES_Moon-0_2_0-bright from krzymar HI-RES Moon with NMM (I prefer the brighter version, instead of the darker one).

  3. Activate them in the same order you downloaded them. There shouldn’t be any overwriting. There are no data files installed either, so no need to run LOOT.

  4. Launch the game and just compare.

    Fallout 3 night before
    Figure 139. Fallout 3 night before
    Fallout 3 night after
    Figure 140. Fallout 3 night after

The Nuclear Holocaust like you have never seen before

Mods used in this chapter:

One of the things I like less of the visual aspect of the game is the green tint that pervades everything. I guess that is supposed to depict the residual haze from a nuclear holocaust, but I don’t like it anyway.

There is a single mod that not only removes the green tint, but also adds an incredible look to the game and a weather system: Project Reality. No more fixed skin-burning sunny days for the Capital Wasteland.

Gopher has a video which covers different weather and lighting mods available (14:56), including Project Reality. However, we are going to tinker with the mod file because there is apparently a significant framerate drop with the default rain textures. We are going to replace them with Enhanced weather rain textures.

  1. Download F3ProjectRealityMkI manually, NOT with NMM.

  2. Download RECCOMANDED Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 hotfix b Fomod Package- FULL DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING ELSE manually, NOT with NMM.

  3. Unzip RECCOMANDED Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 hotfix b Fomod Package- FULL DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING in a location of your choice. The ZIP contains a single file, Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 hotfix b.fomod.

  4. Using 7-zip or any other unzipping tool, extract the contents of Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 hotfix b.fomod to a location of your choice, namely [%ENHANCED_WEATHER%] (.fomod files are just zipped files).

  5. Unzip F3ProjectRealityMkI-17418-v1-0beta.rar in a location of your choice, namely [%PROJECT_REALITY%].

  6. Browse to [%ENHANCED_WEATHER%\Textures\Mieimod\Different Weather], and copy these two files to [%PROJECT_REALITY%\textures\F3NV\Weather]:



      Fallout 3 Project Reality with enhanced weather textures
      Figure 141. Fallout 3 Project Reality with enhanced weather textures
  7. Now, remove the following files from that folder:



  8. Rename the Enhanced Weather files as follows:



  9. Re-zip the contents of the [%PROJECT_REALITY%] folder into an archive named

  10. Open NMM and click on the green plus sign in the left button bar to manually add the file we just created.

    NMM install mod from file
    Figure 142. NMM install mod from file
  11. When the file is loaded, select it and click on the info button to change the name to "F3ProjectRealityMkI retextured".

    NMM renaming Project Reality
    Figure 143. NMM renaming Project Reality
  12. Double-click on the mod’s name to activate it. There shouldn’t be any overwriting.

  13. Launch LOOT to rearrange your load order.

  14. Launch the game and check the incredible look the Wasteland just got! Compare before and after:

    Fallout 3 Project Reality before
    Figure 144. Fallout 3 Project Reality before
    Fallout 3 Project Reality after
    Figure 145. Fallout 3 Project Reality after
  15. Pull up your Pip-Boy to check the new option in Items/Apparel section to configure Project Reality.

    Fallout 3 Project Reality option
    Figure 146. Fallout 3 Project Reality option
  16. Click on Project Reality MkI and check the settings. There are a lot of things for you to tinker with until you feel comfortable (or uncomfortable, since I guess radioactive rain is not a pretty thing to be under).

    Fallout 3 Project Reality settings
    Figure 147. Fallout 3 Project Reality settings
  17. Just a small note…​ Remember the previous screenshot showing our enhanced night? Well, look at this:

    Fallout 3 night after Project Reality
    Figure 148. Fallout 3 night after Project Reality

Things keep getting better and better!

Everything depends on the point of view

At first, I didn’t think to include these four mod in this guide. I only considered Dynavision worth installing, but after revisiting Gopher’s video about visual enhancements mods (29:59), I changed my mind, not only because the customization possibilities of the combined mods, but also because you don’t even need the Pip-Boy menu to change the settings of the mods (specially Dynavision). That’s a great plus.

These four mods give you total control about light. And no, these are not lighting mods (we’ll be there in a breeze). These are mods to control the way the light behaves in your game.

Let me explain. At a very basic level, every game lets you customize three parameters: brightness, contrast and saturation. However, the sum of the aforementioned mods lets you control the kind of light, the "film grain" and even the depth of field of your point of view.

Let’s get started.

  1. Download DYNAVISION - Dynamic Lens Effect 1_0_1 from Dynavision with NMM.

  2. Download CINEMATECH from CINEMATECH with NMM.

  3. Download The IMAGINATOR for FO3 - Visual Control Device from The IMAGINATOR with NMM.

  4. Download Directors Chair from Director’s Chair with NMM.

  5. We should have the four mods downloaded in no time.

    NMM visual enhancements downloaded
    Figure 149. NMM visual enhancements downloaded
  6. Activate DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field - DYNAVISION - Dynamic Lens Effect 1_0_1 by double-clicking on it. No overwriting is required.

  7. Activate CINEMATECH - Film Grains and Styles - CINEMATECH the same way. It will ask you to overwrite a HUD file previously installed by Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision. Go on and answer Yes to all.

  8. Activate The IMAGINATOR for FO3 - Visual Control Device - The IMAGINATOR for FO3 - Visual Control Device the same way. No overwriting required.

  9. Finally, activate Directors Chair - Total Visual Control - Directors Chair. No overwriting either.

  10. Fire up LOOT to rearrange your load order.

  11. Launch the game to check the new menus. Pressing F7 will show the Director’s Chair in-game menu. The best way to get the grasp of the possibilities given by these four mods is watching Gopher’s video.

    Fallout 3 Director's Chair
    Figure 150. Fallout 3 Director’s Chair

Nobody said the Nuclear Holocaust should be unpleasant to look at

Fallout 3 was released in 2008…​ and it really shows its age when you look at it more than two whole seconds.

Old graphics shouldn’t be an issue with a game like this, but when you see how the game improves with new textures…​ Well, you will never be able to play the vanilla version again. Ever.

Be advised though: these mods will push your rig capabilities to its limits. Gopher explains the different flavours of textures you can install in the visual enhancements mods (29:59) we saw earlier, although he covers just NMCS Texture Pack.

We are not going to use the full version of NMCS Texture Pack because the performance version is just about as good. We will be adding Terrain Pack and Terrain_Pack_ROCKS_ADD_ON_PACK on top of it for better terrain textures and Improved LOD Noise Texture to avoid a severe case of eye bleeding due to low resolution textures when looking through a sniping sight.

Regarding to Flora Overhaul, I prefer the Dead Edition because, you know, a Wasteland full of trees cannot barely be considered a wasteland anymore. However, feel free to ignore me (why the hell are you reading this, anyway?).

There are two specific sets of textures for important locations: Megaton and Rivet City. They both are worth installing.

Finally, Pure Water removes the muddy aspect of the water (but not its radiation, although it’s optional, too), and Clean-Deluxe will give us a 5-10% improvement in FPS, removing clutter and atmospheric haze which, in fact, add nothing meaningful to the game.

Let’s begin!

  1. Download the following files with NMM:

    • NMCs Texture Pack PERFORMANCE Pack SINGLE FILE FOR NMM from NMCS Texture Pack.

    • Improved LOD Noise Texture from Improved LOD Noise Texture.

    • Dead Edition v13C from Flora Overhaul.

    • PureWater from Pure Water.

    • Clean-Deluxe GOTY Edition from Clean-Deluxe.

  2. Download the following files manually:

  3. Let’s start with terrain textures.

    • Unpack NeilMc_Terrain_Pack_1024-774.7z in the same folder with the tool of your choice (7-Zip, WinRAR, etc.). There was another compressed file inside the first one, named Terrain_Pack_1024_x2.7z.

    • Delete the files archiveinvalidation.txt and NeilMc_Terrain_Pack_1024-774.7z.

    • Unpack the file Terrain_Pack_1024_x2.7z, again in the same folder. A folder named [data] is created.

    • Remove the file Terrain_Pack_1024_x2.7z.

    • Move the contents of the [data] folder up a level. This is, move the [data/Textures] folder to the root of [%NMC_TERRAIN_TEXTURES%].

    • Delete the [data] folder.

    • Unpack the file High_Resolution_Rocks_4096-866.7z into the same folder. Again, we have another packed file that was inside the first one, this one named 4096_Rocks.7z.

    • Delete the files ArchiveInvalidation.txt and High_Resolution_Rocks_4096-866.7z.

    • Unpack the file 4096_Rocks.7z into the same folder. There will be two new files ( and

    • Move the .dds texture files to the folder [%NMC_TERRAIN_TEXTURES%\textures\landscape], replacing two texture files that were already there.

    • Unpack the file TREE_ROOTS_PATCH-774.rar in its place. You will see three new folders: [512], [1024] and [2048].

    • We are going to use the 1024×1024 textures, so it’s safe to delete the [512] and [2048] folders. Delete the file TREE_ROOTS_PATCH-774.rar also.

    • Move the contents of the [1024] folder into [%NMC_TERRAIN_TEXTURES%\textures\landscape], replacing two existing files with the same name.

    • Delete the [1024] folder.

    • Pack the contents of [%NMC_TERRAIN_TEXTURES%] into a file called The packed file should only contain a folder named [textures] in its root.

    • Add the file to NMM.

  4. Next: Megaton textures.

    • Unpack High_Resolution_Megaton-1662.7z in its place. There was a packed file inside that one, called MEGATON_TEX_PACK_HIGH_RES.7z.

    • Delete the files ArchiveInvalidation.txt and High_Resolution_Megaton-1662.7z.

    • Unpack MEGATON_TEX_PACK_HIGH_RES.7z in its place. A folder named [textures] is created.

    • Unpack Aged_Paper_Scraps-1662.7z in its place. A folder named [AgedPaperScraps] is created, with some folders inside.

    • We are going to use the high resolution version, as usual, so move the files inside [%NMC_MEGATON_TEXTURES%\AgedPaperScraps\200% (High Resolution)] into [%NMC_MEGATON_TEXTURES%\textures\architecture\megaton], overwriting any previous existing file.

    • Delete the folder [AgedPaperScraps] and the file Aged_Paper_Scraps-1662.7z.

    • Unpack the file Megaton_Painted_Signs_Revised-1662.rar in its place. A folder named [MegatonPaintedSignsFlattened] is created.

    • Again, we are going to use the high resolution version (200% size), so move the contents of the folder [%NMC_MEGATON_TEXTURES%\MegatonPaintedSignsFlattened\200%Signs (high Res)] into [%NMC_MEGATON_TEXTURES%\textures\architecture\megaton], overwriting any previous existing file.

    • Delete the folder [MegatonPaintedSignsFlattened] and the file Megaton_Painted_Signs_Revised-1662.rar.

    • Pack the contents of [%NMC_MEGATON_TEXTURES%] into a file called The packed file should only contain a folder named [textures] in its root.

    • Add the file to NMM.

  5. Finally, Rivet City textures.

    • Unpack the file Rivet_City_High_Resolution-3612.7z in its place.There was a packed file inside that one, called RIVETCITY_HIGH_RES.7z.

    • Delete the files ArchiveInvalidation.txt, README.txt and Rivet_City_High_Resolution-3612.7z.

    • Unpack RIVETCITY_HIGH_RES.7z in its place. A folder named [data] is created.

    • Delete the file RIVETCITY_HIGH_RES.7z.

    • Move the contents of the [data] folder up a level. This is, move the [data/textures] folder to the root of [%NMC_RIVET_CITY_TEXTURES%].

    • Unpack the file Flatter_Sign_Paint_Patch-3612.7z in its place. A folder named [RIVETCITYPaintedSignsFlattened] is created.

    • We are going to use the high resolution version of the textures in that file, so move the contents of the folder [%NMC_RIVET_CITY_TEXTURES%\RIVETCITYPaintedSignsFlattened\200%Signs (high Res)] into [%NMC_RIVET_CITY_TEXTURES%\textures\dungeons\rivetcity], replacing all files when asked to.

    • Delete the folder [RIVETCITYPaintedSignsFlattened] and the file Flatter_Sign_Paint_Patch-3612.7z.

    • Pack the contents of [%NMC_RIVET_CITY_TEXTURES%] into a file called The packed file should only contain a folder named [textures] in its root.

    • Add the file to NMM.

  6. We have all our mods ready to be installed.

    NMM texture mods
    Figure 151. NMM texture mods
  7. Activate FO3 Flora Overhaul - Dead Edition v13C double-clicking on it. No overwriting required from this point on, except pointed out otherwise.

  8. Activate NMCs_Texture_Pack_for_FO3 - NMCs Texture Pack PERFORMANCE Pack SINGLE FILE FOR NMM.

  9. Activate NMC_TERRAIN_TEXTURES. It will overwrite textures from NMCS Texture Pack.

  10. Activate NMC_RIVET_CITY_TEXTURES. It will overwrite textures from NMCS Texture Pack.

  11. Activate NMC_MEGATON_TEXTURES. It will overwrite textures from NMCS Texture Pack.

  12. Activate Improved LOD Noise Texture - Improved LOD Noise Texture.

  13. Activate PureWater - PureWater.

  14. Activate Clean-Deluxe - Clean-Deluxe GOTY Edition.

  15. Pure Water comes in four flavours, each one with its own .esp file:

    • PureWater-VeryClearNoRad-.esp: High water transparency and no radiation poisoning.

    • PureWater-VeryCleanLittleRad-.esp: High water transparency and radiation poisoning.

    • PureWater-NoRad-.esp: Normal water transparency and no radiation poisoning.

    • PureWater-LittleRad-.esp: Normal water transparency and radiation poisoning.

  16. I am going to use high water transparency and radiation poisoning (PureWater-VeryCleanLittleRad-.esp), because, what could be better than a sip of plutonium-loaded clear water from the Potomac? We need to delete the unused files in [%STEAM_HOME%\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Data].

  17. Run LOOT to rearrange your load order, as usual.

  18. Launch the game to see for yourself.

    Fallout 3 new textures and flora night
    Figure 152. Fallout 3 new textures and flora night
    Fallout 3 new textures and flora day
    Figure 153. Fallout 3 new textures and flora day

The quality of the textures is hard to miss, not to mention the fuckload of trees that are thrown to your face all of a sudden.

Fallout 3 new textures
Figure 154. Fallout 3 new textures

The Devil is in the details (optional)

Fallout 3 is a great game to develop your kleptomaniac urges. The Wasteland is littered with small objects you can collect to…​ Well, collect them. Why there should be any veiled meaning to that? The only limit is the carry weight of your character, unless you cheat the game with the console command player.forceav carryweight {amount}, where {amount} is the desired carry weight in pounds (lbs), up to 20.106 lbs (that’s 9.128 kg., give or take). But you are not going to do that, are you?

The only problem is, like any other vanilla texture in the game, these small objects are definitely low-res, and that’s what we are going to change in this chapter. We are going to repack some of the mods because their inner structure is non-standard, thus unrecognizable by NMM.

So, here we go:

  1. We need to repack the files from Better Booze:

    • Download manually the following files:

    • Unpack them in a location of your choice, say [%BETTER_BOOZE%].

    • Delete the three .zip files. We are not going to need them anymore.

    • Extract the contents of the folder [%BETTER_BOOZE%\Better Booze v02 - MAINSTREAM PACK] to [%BETTER_BOOZE%] (that is, move them up a level).

    • Do the same with the contents of [%BETTER_BOOZE%\Better Booze v02 - WINE ADDON].

    • Remove the following items under [%BETTER_BOOZE%]:

      • [Better Booze v02 - MAINSTREAM PACK]

      • [Better Booze v02 - WINE ADDON]

      • *.jpg

      • *.txt

    • We need to choose if we want wine bottles in game to be of white wine of red wine. I am partial to white wine, so delete the folder [%BETTER_BOOZE%\Red (burgundy bottle)] and move the contents of [%BETTER_BOOZE%\White (green bottle)] to [%BETTER_BOOZE%] (up a level).

    • Delete the folder [%BETTER_BOOZE%\White (green bottle)]

    • Pack the contents of the folder [%BETTER_BOOZE%] into a file named

    • Add to NMM.

    • Delete the folder [%BETTER_BOOZE%].

  2. Next, we are going to create a single pack for book textures.

    • Download manually the following files:

    • Unpack them in a location of your choice, say [%BETTER_BOOKS%].

    • Delete the three .zip files you just unpacked.

    • Delete the following files under [%BETTER_BOOKS%]:

      • *.gif

      • *.txt

    • Move the contents of [%BETTER_BOOKS%\Data] to [%BETTER_BOOKS%] (up a level).

    • Delete the folder [%BETTER_BOOKS%\Data].

    • Pack the contents of [%BETTER_BOOKS%] into a file named

    • Add to NMM.

    • Delete the folder [%BETTER_BOOKS%].

  3. Next, the zillion of small things that clutter the Wasteland.

    • Download manually the file BetterClutterCollection from Retextured Clutter Collection.

    • Unpack the file in a location of your choice. Yeah, you guessed; [%BETTER_CLUTTER%].

    • Delete the .zip file we just unpacked.

    • Move the contents of the folder [%BETTER_CLUTTER%\BetterClutter\Data] to [%BETTER_CLUTTER%] (up two levels).

    • Delete the following files under [%BETTER_CLUTTER%]:

      • [BetterClutter]

      • *.gif

      • *.txt

    • Pack the contents of [%BETTER_CLUTTER%] into the file

    • Add to NMM.

    • Delete the folder [%BETTER_CLUTTER%].

  4. Finally (for the manual part), we are going to address cigarette brands.

    • Download manually Whats Your Brand from Whats Your Brand - cigarette texture megapack.

    • Unpack the file in a location of your choice, for example, you name it, [%BETTER_CIGARETTES%].

    • Delete the .zip file we just unpacked.

    • Move the contents of the following folders under [%BETTER_CIGARETTES%] up a level:

      • [(Optional) White Cigarette]

      • [Black Death]

    • Delete everything under [%BETTER_CIGARETTES%] except the folder [textures].

    • Pack the contents of [%BETTER_CIGARETTES%] into the file

    • Add to NMM.

    • Delete the folder [%BETTER_CIGARETTES%].

  5. Download Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack v1-0 from Chems and Meds Re-Texture Pack with NMM.

  6. Download Enhanced Blood Textures from Enhanced Blood Textures v2_22b with NMM.

  7. Download eXcalibr Ammo Pack v2-3 Full FOMOD from eXcalibr - ammo eXpansion pack with NMM.

  8. Download HD Fire from HD Smoky Fire and Explosions for FO3 with NMM.

  9. Download Improved Glass Bullet Impact from Improved Glass Bullet Impact with NMM.

  10. Download RobCo Certified Textures from RobCo Certified Textures with NMM.

  11. We should have our detail textures downloaded, ready to activate in NMM.

    NMM detail texture mods
    Figure 155. NMM detail texture mods
  12. Activate them in the following order (no conflicts, unless otherwise specified):


    • BETTER_BOOKS (this one conflicts with a texture previously installed by Arefu Expanded; answer Yes to all).

    • Chems and Meds Re-Texture Pack - Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack v1-0.

    • Enhanced Blood Textures v2_22b - Enhanced Blood Textures (this one conflicts with textures previously installed from EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced; answer Yes to all).

    • eXcalibr Ammo eXpansion Pack. This one comes with a FOMOD installer with two options (Override and Override for FWE 6.0.3). Select the last one. It also overwrites textures from FWE, so answer Yes to all.

      NMM eXcalibr options
      Figure 156. NMM eXcalibr options
    • HD Smoky Fire and Explosions for FO3 - HD Fire.

    • Improved Glass Bullet Impact - Improved Glass Bullet Impact.

    • BETTER_CLUTTER (this one overwrites textures from NMC Texture Pack; answer Yes to all).

    • RobCo Certified Textures. This mod has a FOMOD installer to select the kind of texture you want, with a screenshot to help you choose. I’ll go with "Army". It will also overwrite textures from RobCo Certified, so answer Yes to all.

      NMM RobCo Certified Textures options
      Figure 157. NMM RobCo Certified Textures options

  13. Run LOOT to rearrange your load order, for there are a number of .esp files installed alongside the textures.

  14. Run the game and wander around to see for yourself the overall improvement in the textures of the everyday objects.

Let there be light!

Lighting in Fallout 3 is somewhat unnatural. You would think everyone in the Capital Wasteland has developed nightvision, because you can see perfectly in pitch black underground places. Not to mention the horrid HDR blooming you get when the game does not handle well multiple light sources.

The following mods try to enhance lighting in Fallout 3. Darkened Interiors tries to give interiors a realistic lighting, with deep shadows and islands of light, which creates a scarier atmosphere. Fallout Street Lights revamps, well, the street lights, creating light beams where there was just diffuse glows. Finally, Megaton Lighting Overhaul adds lights in Megaton, the first settlement you are going to find in your wanderings around the Wasteland (you will spend quite a lot of time there).

  1. Download Darkened Interiors v0_3 from Darkened Interiors with NMM.

  2. Download Fallout Street Lights Version 2 from Fallout Street Lights with NMM.

  3. Download Megaton Lighting Overhaul from Megaton Lighting Overhaul with NMM.

  4. These are small mods, so you will have them downloaded in a breeze.

    NMM Lighting mods
    Figure 158. NMM Lighting mods
  5. Activate them in the same order you downloaded them. Each mod has its own set of files, so no overwriting is required.

  6. Yeah, you guessed. Run LOOT.

  7. LOOT informs us that the file StreetLights.esm contains identical to master records, so we need to clean it with FO3Edit. Follow the usual procedure, selecting only that file and letting FO3Edit load the dependencies for you.

  8. Launch the game and take a stroll in the night.

    Fallout 3 new lighting
    Figure 159. Fallout 3 new lighting
    Fallout 3 Megaton entrance light
    Figure 160. Fallout 3 Megaton entrance light
    Fallout 3 Megaton street lights
    Figure 161. Fallout 3 Megaton street lights

I don’t like your face (nor the way you move)

I guess no one is able to remember the moment of her birth, unless you are a trickster. However, I would be shitting bricks my whole life if my first sight in this world were these eyes.

Fallout 3 WTF with your eyes
Figure 162. Fallout 3 WTF with your eyes

Seriously, look at that.

Figure 163. Fallout 3 WTF WTF WTF DADDY

A poor face modeling is one of the worst thing I can imagine to get a proper immersion in the game. Imagine your ninth birthday, surrounded by a bunch of people like this.

Fallout 3 ugly faces
Figure 164. Fallout 3 ugly faces

Consider the face of your childhood friend Amata, and take into account that hers is not the ugliest face you will encounter in the game.

Fallout 3 Amata is not so ugly after all
Figure 165. Fallout 3 Amata is not so ugly after all

The mods installed in this chapter target the faces, character animation and eye textures. Fallout 3 re-animated changes the default animations of every character in-game, getting a more natural stance, both in combat and resting. Fallout 3 redesigned, formerly known as Project Beauty, changes all the faces throughout the game, giving people a more natural look. Lost in Light (LiL, for short) replaces the vanilla eye textures with proper eyeballs using proper light reflection. No more people screaming out their pain of their wretched souls through the eyes. Beards of Fallout adds a lot of new beards for your character (I am myself strongly biased towards beards, because, you know, I like to groom mine in real life). Finally, Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera allows us to see our own feet when in first person, improving game immersion.

As usual, Gopher has a video about people reanimated and redesigned (11:06), although he doesn’t cover LiL.

The installation is a bit tricky, regarding to Fallout 3 Redesigned, so let’s do it.

  1. Download Release v0_22 and Idle Revisions2 - Fixed from Fallout 3 re-animated with NMM.

  2. Download FO3 Redesigned HD, but download it manually. We are going to meddle with the file a little. The file is named FO3 Redesigned (obviously, these instructions may not apply with a different version of the mod).

  3. Download Lost in Light - An Eye Improvement Mod with NMM.

  4. Download Beards of Fallout from Beards of Fallout with NMM.

  5. Download Enhanced Camera from Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera with NMM.

  6. Unzip FO3 Redesigned in a location of your choice, say [%FO3_REDESIGNED%].

  7. The structure of the ZIP file is a bit weird.

    FO3 Redesigned mod structure
    Figure 166. FO3 Redesigned mod structure
  8. We are going to create a mod file with just the items we need, in the proper place. Create a folder anywhere you want, say [%FO3_REDESIGNED_REPACK%].

  9. Create the following folders under [%FO3_REDESIGNED_REPACK%]:

    • Meshes

    • textures

  10. Copy the following files from [%FO3_REDESIGNED%] into [%FO3_REDESIGNED_REPACK%]:

    • /meshes/./Meshes/

    • /textures/./textures/

    • /Optional Merged Version/Project Beauty.esm/

  11. Zip the contents of the [%FO3_REDESIGNED_REPACK%] folder into a file named The folders /Meshes/ and /textures/ should be in the root of the ZIP file.

  12. In NMM, use the option Add Mod from File (green plus sign in the leftmost button bar) and select the newly created file.

  13. We need one final thing to put all the pieces together. In the chapter about weaponry we installed a Blackened compatibility patch to stitch together FWE, MMM and EVE. Now, we are going to replace that patch with an expanded version, which includes Project Beauty. Download Blackened FWE - MMM - EVE - Project Beauty file from Blackened.

  14. Ok, we have all the files we need, ready to be installed.

    NMM people redesigned and reanimated mods
    Figure 167. NMM people redesigned and reanimated mods
  15. Activate the mods in the following order:

    • Fallout 3 Re-Animated - Release v0_22 (this one overwrites files from RH_IronSights, so answer Yes to all when asked to).

    • Fallout 3 Re-Animated - Idle Revisions2 - Fixed (this one overwrites files from the previous file, so answer Yes to all when asked to).

    • FO3_REDESIGNED_REPACK. No overwriting required.

    • LiL - An Eye Improvement Mod - Lost in Light - An Eye Improvement Mod (this one overwrites files from Fallout 3 Redesigned, so answer Yes to all when asked to).

    • Beards of Fallout - Beards of Fallout. No overwriting required.

    • Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera - Enhanced Camera. No overwriting required.

  16. To install the Blackened patch, we need first to uninstall the previous Blackened patch. Look for Blackened - Blackened FWE - MMM - EVE in your mod list and double-click on it (or press the "forbidden" sign below the "plus" sign after selecting the mod) to uninstall the obsolete patch.

  17. Activate Blackened - Blackened FWE - MMM - EVE - Project Beauty. No overwriting required.

  18. Run LOOT to rearrange your load order.

  19. Let’s see how the game changes with this. What about the defining moment of your birth?

    Fallout 3 not so scary first sight
    Figure 168. Fallout 3 not so scary first sight

    Well, it’s a little bit less scary, although there are some remaining embers in these eyes.

    Fallout 3 embers in your eyes
    Figure 169. Fallout 3 embers in your eyes
  20. There are certain improvements in the character customization options, although I don’t quite get my own look-alike.

    Fallout 3 enhanced character customization
    Figure 170. Fallout 3 enhanced character customization
  21. Let’s check the bunch of people in your ninth birthday.

    Fallout 3 better faces
    Figure 171. Fallout 3 better faces

    And what about Amata?

    Fallout 3 Amata has changed a bit
    Figure 172. Fallout 3 Amata has changed a bit

    Furthermore, we can lose ourselves staring at our feet!

    Fallout 3 look at your feet
    Figure 173. Fallout 3 look at your feet

Killing with style

We have changed the way the Wasteland looks in a dramatic way so far, installing textures for everything imaginable…​ Except for weapons. Because, who said killing monsters shouldn’t be done with style? If you don’t like how your weapons look in the vanilla game, lo and behold the response to all of your prayers!

Let’s begin.

  1. Download HiRes Weapons v3_1 from Hi-Res Weapons v3 with NMM.

  2. Download UWWUT v1_5 and UWWUT - Broken Steel Addon Update from UWWUT - Unique Weapons With Unique Textures with NMM.

  3. Download Fallout_3_Weapon_Retexture_Project from FO3-WRP - Weapon Retexture Project with NMM.

  4. Download the following files from Fallout 3 Hirezd:

    • BB Gun

    • Bullet Casings

    • Flamer

    • Grenades

    • Knuckles

    • Lincolns Repeater

    • Mines

    • Minigun

    • Supermutants

  5. Download Hall Of Equipment V2 All In One from Hall of Equipment.

  6. We have a lot of texture mods ready to be installed.

    NMM weapon textures ready
    Figure 174. NMM weapon textures ready
  7. Activate them in the following order, overwriting when necessary.

    • Hi-Res Weapons v3 - HiRes Weapons v3_1

    • UWWUT - Unique Weapons With Unique Textures - UWWUT v1_5

    • UWWUT - Unique Weapons With Unique Textures - UWWUT - Broken Steel Addon Update

    • FO3-WRP - Weapon Retexture Project - Fallout_3_Weapon_Retexture_Project

    • All the files from Fallout 3 Hirezd, in any order.

    • Hall Of Equipment - Hall Of Equipment V2 All In One

  8. UWWUT comes in two flavours, depending on the type of stats you want for your weaponry. We are going to use vanilla stats, so delete these files from your game data folder:

    • UWWUT_WT - BS Addon.esp

    • UWWUT_WT - TP Addon.esp

    • UWWUT_WT.esp

  9. Fire up LOOT to rearrange your huge load order.

  10. Run the game to see for your self the quality of the new weapon textures.

    Fallout 3 new textures for weapons
    Figure 175. Fallout 3 new textures for weapons

I want to believe

We are going to install the last two mods in our journey. These are fairly specific ones, and they are used only in the Mothership Zeta DLC, so sorry, no screenshots here.

  1. Download manually WJS DLC05 Retex 1_0 from Mothership Zeta DLC Retextured. This file is a bit awkward, so we are going to fix it.

  2. Unpack the file in a location of your choice, say [%ZETA_RETEXTURE%].

  3. Delete the following items inside [%ZETA_RETEXTURE%]:

    • [preview screens]

    • *.jpg

    • *.txt

  4. Move the contents of the folder [%ZETA_RETEXTURE%\Abomination_Heartbeat] up a level, to the root of [%ZETA_RETEXTURE%].

  5. Move the contents of the folder [%ZETA_RETEXTURE%\Open This] up a level, to the root of [%ZETA_RETEXTURE%].

  6. Delete the folders [Abomination_Heartbeat] and [Open This] under [%ZETA_RETEXTURE%]. There should be only two folders by now ([meshes] and [textures]).

  7. Zip the contents of [%ZETA_RETEXTURE%] into a file named

  8. Add the zipped file to NMM.

  9. Download ms earthfromspacetex manually (there is no NMM download), and add the file to your mod stack with NMM.

  10. We have our two mods ready to be installed:

    NMM Mothership Zeta textures
    Figure 176. NMM Mothership Zeta textures
  11. Activate ZETA_RETEXTURE first, and then Earth from Space texture for Mothership Zeta. Both require some overwriting.

And that’s it. There are no data files in these mods, so we are good to go!

Wrapping up

No matter which mods you have installed to this point, you will want to create a merged patch to ensure all of them work together like a charm.

Even with Bethesda’s main files there are inconsistencies across the different DLCs, let alone with a fuckload of mods installed, each one with its own set of items and rules. A merged patch is no magic fix, but it is a good start point to solve certain basic problems that arise when different mods have different visions of the same issue. As usual, Gopher has a video about FO3Edit (39:12) which explains (from 14:05) what is a merged patch, how to create it and the things you will need to know about what it does and what it does not do.

  1. Open FO3Edit and load ALL the plugins you have installed. This is important, as you are going to create a merged patch for your whole mod stack. Don’t pay attention to the mods shown in the screenshots. Your mileage may vary.

    FO3Edit load all plugins
    Figure 177. FO3Edit load all plugins
  2. Wait until FO3Edit finishes loading all data files.

    FO3Edit background loader finished
    Figure 178. FO3Edit background loader finished
  3. Right-click anywhere in the leftmost panel (the one with the plugin list) and select Other, then Create merged patch.

    FO3 create merged patch
    Figure 179. FO3 create merged patch
  4. Give the merged patch a meaningful name. I am using the version number of this guide, but you are free to choose whatever you like.

    FO3 merged patch name
    Figure 180. FO3 merged patch name
  5. Check the leftmost panel at the bottom. Your merged patch should sit there.

    FO3Edit merged patch created
    Figure 181. FO3Edit merged patch created
  6. We need to exit FO3Edit to save the merged patch. Click on the Close Window icon and make sure the merged patch is selected in the next window. Click Ok to have the .esp file saved to your data folder.

    FO3Edit saving merged patch
    Figure 182. FO3Edit saving merged patch
  7. We need to activate the merged patch, so open NMM and navigate to the Plugins tab. Tick the merged patch at the bottom, and you are good to go!

    NMM merged patch loaded
    Figure 183. NMM merged patch loaded

Remember these golden rules regarding to merged patches:

  1. A merged patch will not fix any inconsistency you have in your mod stack. As Gopher shows in the aforementioned video, a merged patch may, in fact, add some inconsistencies of its own (although they are minor ones). However, it will stitch together firmly the whole stack.

  2. The merged patch should ALWAYS sit at the bottom of your load order. In case of conflict, the deepest mod always wins, so you need your merged patch sitting at the bottom to ensure proper conflict resolution.

  3. As tedious as it sounds, every time you change your mod stack, adding or removing mods, you need to create a NEW merged patch. Otherwise, the game will miserably crash. As you can imagine, I have been creating a lot of merged patches throughout the creation of this guide.


This is a comprehensive list of the resources used throughout this guide.


  • Nexus Mod Manager. This is the tool of choice when it comes to keep all your mods organized and up-to-date.

  • LOOT. Installing mods on Bethesda games can be a pain in the ass, especially if you try to install a lot of possibly-colliding mods. This tool keeps the load order straight.

  • FO3Edit. Fallout 3 itself comes out-of-the-box with certain errors in the main and DLC files, and this tool comes in handy to correct them. Besides, this is THE tool to create a merged patch to run the game with an absurd amount of mods.


This is the list of mods used throughout this guide, in ascending alphabetical order.